1.3.6 Apply Security Context to Your Pods and Containers | CIS Kubernetes 1.7.0 Benchmark v1.1.0 L2 | Unix | |
1.3.6 Apply Security Context to Your Pods and Containers | CIS Kubernetes 1.8 Benchmark v1.2.0 L2 | Unix | |
1.6 Ensure Install Security Responses and System Files Is Enabled | CIS Apple macOS 13.0 Ventura v3.0.0 L1 | Unix | RISK ASSESSMENT, SYSTEM AND INFORMATION INTEGRITY |
1.6 Ensure Install Security Responses and System Files Is Enabled | CIS Apple macOS 14.0 Sonoma Cloud-tailored v1.0.0 L1 | Unix | RISK ASSESSMENT, SYSTEM AND INFORMATION INTEGRITY |
1.6 Verify That 'MYSQL_PWD' is Not Set in Users' Profiles | CIS MariaDB 10.6 on Linux L1 v1.1.0 | Unix | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
1.6.6 Apply Security Context to Your Pods and Containers | CIS Kubernetes 1.7.0 Benchmark v1.1.0 L2 | Unix | |
1.6.6 Apply Security Context to Your Pods and Containers | CIS Kubernetes 1.8 Benchmark v1.2.0 L2 | Unix | |
2.3 Do Not Specify Passwords in the Command Line | CIS MariaDB 10.6 on Linux L1 v1.1.0 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
2.5 Ensure Non-Default, Unique Cryptographic Material is in Use | CIS MariaDB 10.6 on Linux L1 v1.1.0 | Unix | SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
3.1 Ensure 'datadir' Has Appropriate Permissions | CIS MariaDB 10.6 on Linux L1 v1.1.0 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, MEDIA PROTECTION | Ensure 'Allow trusting new enterprise app authors' is set to 'Disabled' | MobileIron - CIS Apple iOS 17 Institution Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Allow trusting new enterprise app authors' is set to 'Disabled' | MobileIron - CIS Apple iPadOS 17 Institutionally Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Allow trusting new enterprise app authors' is set to 'Disabled' | MobileIron - CIS Apple iOS 18 v1.0.0 L1 Institution Owned | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
3.6 Ensure 'general_log_file' Has Appropriate Permissions | CIS MariaDB 10.6 on Linux L1 v1.1.0 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, MEDIA PROTECTION |
3.7 Ensure SSL Key Files Have Appropriate Permissions | CIS MariaDB 10.6 on Linux L1 v1.1.0 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, MEDIA PROTECTION |
3.8 Ensure Plugin Directory Has Appropriate Permissions | CIS MariaDB 10.6 on Linux L1 v1.1.0 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, MEDIA PROTECTION |
3.9 Ensure 'server_audit_file_path' Has Appropriate Permissions | CIS MariaDB 10.6 on Linux L1 v1.1.0 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, MEDIA PROTECTION |
3.10 Ensure File Key Management Encryption Plugin files have appropriate permissions | CIS MariaDB 10.6 on Linux L1 v1.1.0 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, MEDIA PROTECTION |
4.1 Ensure the Latest Security Patches are Applied | CIS MariaDB 10.6 on Linux L1 v1.1.0 | Unix | SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION |
4.5 Ensure mariadb is Not Started With 'skip-grant-tables' | CIS MariaDB 10.6 on Linux L1 v1.1.0 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, MEDIA PROTECTION |
4.6.3 Apply Security Context to Pods and Containers | CIS Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) v1.6.1 L2 | GCP | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
4.7 Ensure the set_user extension is installed | CIS PostgreSQL 10 DB v1.0.0 | PostgreSQLDB | ACCESS CONTROL |
5.1 Ensure Only Administrative Users Have Full Database Access | CIS MariaDB 10.6 on Linux L1 v1.1.0 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
5.2 Ensure 'FILE' is Not Granted to Non-Administrative Users | CIS MariaDB 10.6 on Linux L1 v1.1.0 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
5.7.3 Apply Security Context to Your Pods and Containers | CIS Kubernetes v1.10.0 L2 Master | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
7.14 Apple File System (APFS) | CIS Apple macOS 10.12 L1 v1.2.0 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
AIOS-02-080006 - Apple iOS must not allow backup to remote systems (iCloud Photo Sharing, also known as Shared Photo Streams). | MobileIron - DISA Apple iOS 10 v1r3 | MDM | ACCESS CONTROL, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
AIOS-02-080006 - Apple iOS must not allow backup to remote systems (iCloud Photo Sharing, also known as Shared Photo Streams). | AirWatch - DISA Apple iOS 10 v1r3 | MDM | ACCESS CONTROL, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
AIOS-12-004400 - Apple iOS must not allow backup to remote systems (My Photo Stream). | MobileIron - DISA Apple iOS 12 v2r1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
AIOS-17-014800 - Apple iOS/iPadOS 17 must be configured to disable 'Auto Unlock' of the iPhone by an Apple Watch - Auto Unlock of the iPhone by an Apple Watch. | AirWatch - DISA Apple iOS/iPadOS 17 v2r1 | MDM | ACCESS CONTROL, IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
AIOS-17-014800 - Apple iOS/iPadOS 17 must be configured to disable 'Auto Unlock' of the iPhone by an Apple Watch - Auto Unlock of the iPhone by an Apple Watch. | MobileIron - DISA Apple iOS/iPadOS 17 v2r1 | MDM | ACCESS CONTROL, IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
AIOS-18-014800 - Apple iOS/iPadOS 18 must be configured to disable 'Auto Unlock' of the iPhone by an Apple Watch - Auto Unlock of the iPhone by an Apple Watch. | MobileIron - DISA Apple iOS/iPadOS 18 v1r1 | MDM | ACCESS CONTROL, IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
AIOS-18-014800 - Apple iOS/iPadOS 18 must be configured to disable 'Auto Unlock' of the iPhone by an Apple Watch - Auto Unlock of the iPhone by an Apple Watch. | AirWatch - DISA Apple iOS/iPadOS 18 v1r1 | MDM | ACCESS CONTROL, IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
APPL-11-002060 - The macOS system must allow only applications that have a valid digital signature to run - AllowIdentifiedDevelopers | DISA STIG Apple macOS 11 v1r5 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
APPL-11-002060 - The macOS system must allow only applications that have a valid digital signature to run - AllowIdentifiedDevelopers | DISA STIG Apple macOS 11 v1r8 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
APPL-11-002060 - The macOS system must allow only applications that have a valid digital signature to run - EnableAssessment | DISA STIG Apple macOS 11 v1r8 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
APPL-11-002060 - The macOS system must allow only applications that have a valid digital signature to run - Unsigned Applications | DISA STIG Apple macOS 11 v1r8 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
APPL-13-000001 - The macOS system must be configured to prevent Apple Watch from terminating a session lock. | DISA STIG Apple macOS 13 v1r4 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
APPL-13-002031 - The macOS system must be configured to disable the system preference pane for Apple ID. | DISA STIG Apple macOS 13 v1r4 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
APPL-14-002010 - The macOS system must disable FaceTime.app. | DISA Apple macOS 14 (Sonoma) STIG v2r2 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
APPL-15-002010 - The macOS system must disable FaceTime.app. | DISA Apple macOS 15 (Sequoia) STIG v1r1 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
APPL-15-002230 - The macOS system must disable Dictation. | DISA Apple macOS 15 (Sequoia) STIG v1r1 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
bash_profile | CIS MariaDB 10.6 on Linux L1 v1.1.0 | Unix | |
check for cis profile in config.yaml | DISA Rancher Government Solutions RKE2 STIG v2r2 | Unix | |
CIS_IBM_DB2_9_v3.0.1_Level_2_OS_Linux.audit from CIS DB2 9 Linux | CIS IBM DB2 9 Benchmark v3.0.1 Level 2 OS Linux | Unix | |
CIS_Kubernetes_v1.10.0_Level_1_Master.audit from CIS Kubernetes Benchmark v1.10.0 | CIS Kubernetes v1.10.0 L1 Master | Unix | |
CIS_NGINX_v2.1.0_Level_2_Loadbalancer.audit from CIS NGINX Benchmark v2.1.0 | CIS NGINX Benchmark v2.1.0 L2 Loadbalancer | Unix | |
CIS_NGINX_v2.1.0_Level_2_Proxy.audit from CIS NGINX Benchmark v2.1.0 | CIS NGINX Benchmark v2.1.0 L2 Proxy | Unix | |
CIS_NGINX_v2.1.0_Level_2_Webserver.audit from CIS NGINX Benchmark v2.1.0 | CIS NGINX Benchmark v2.1.0 L2 Webserver | Unix | |
Linux found | CIS MariaDB 10.6 on Linux L1 v1.1.0 | Unix | |