ADBP-XI-001075 - The Adobe Acrobat Pro XI latest security-related software updates must be installed. | DISA STIG ADOBE ACROBAT PROFESSIONAL (PRO) XI v1r2 | Windows | SYSTEM AND INFORMATION INTEGRITY |
AIOS-16-010400 - Apple iOS/iPadOS 16 must require a valid password be successfully entered before the mobile device data is unencrypted. | MobileIron - DISA Apple iOS/iPadOS 16 v2r1 | MDM | SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
AIOS-16-710400 - Apple iOS/iPadOS 16 must require a valid password be successfully entered before the mobile device data is unencrypted. | AirWatch - DISA Apple iOS/iPadOS 16 BYOAD v1r1 | MDM | SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
AIOS-17-010400 - Apple iOS/iPadOS 17 must require a valid password be successfully entered before the mobile device data is unencrypted. | AirWatch - DISA Apple iOS/iPadOS 17 v2r1 | MDM | SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
AIOS-18-011200 - iPhone and iPad must have the latest available iOS/iPadOS operating system installed. | MobileIron - DISA Apple iOS/iPadOS 18 v1r1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
APPL-11-000016 - The macOS system must be integrated into a directory services infrastructure. | DISA STIG Apple macOS 11 v1r5 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
APPL-11-000016 - The macOS system must be integrated into a directory services infrastructure. | DISA STIG Apple macOS 11 v1r8 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
APPL-11-002070 - The macOS system must use an approved antivirus program. | DISA STIG Apple macOS 11 v1r8 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
APPL-14-002062 The macOS system must disable Bluetooth when no approved device is connected. | DISA Apple macOS 14 (Sonoma) STIG v2r3 | Unix | SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
ARST-ND-000860 - The Arista network device must be running an operating system release that is currently supported by the vendor. | DISA STIG Arista MLS EOS 4.2x NDM v2r1 | Arista | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
ARST-RT-000170 - The Arista perimeter router must be configured to not be a Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) peer to an alternate gateway service provider. | DISA STIG Arista MLS EOS 4.2x Router v2r1 | Arista | ACCESS CONTROL |
CASA-FW-000010 - The Cisco ASA must be configured to filter outbound traffic, allowing only authorized ports and services - ACL Applied | DISA STIG Cisco ASA FW v2r1 | Cisco | ACCESS CONTROL |
CASA-ND-000430 - The Cisco ASA must be configured to prohibit the use of all unnecessary and/or non-secure functions, ports, protocols, and/or services. | DISA STIG Cisco ASA NDM v2r2 | Cisco | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
CASA-VN-000340 - The Cisco ASA VPN gateway must use cryptographic algorithms approved by NSA to protect NSS when transporting classified traffic across an unclassified network. | DISA STIG Cisco ASA VPN v2r2 | Cisco | SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
CASA-VN-000760 - The Cisco ASA VPN remote access server must be configured to use an approved High Assurance Commercial Solution for Classified (CSfC) cryptographic algorithm for remote access to a classified network. | DISA STIG Cisco ASA VPN v2r2 | Cisco | SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
CNTR-K8-000360 - The Kubernetes API server must have anonymous authentication disabled. | DISA STIG Kubernetes v2r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
Configuring cookie encryption within the HTTP profile | Tenable F5 BIG-IP Best Practice Audit | F5 | SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
FFOX-00-000001 - The installed version of Firefox must be supported. | DISA STIG Mozilla Firefox MacOS v6r5 | Unix | SYSTEM AND INFORMATION INTEGRITY |
IISW-SI-009999 - The version of IIS running on the system must be a supported version. | DISA IIS 8.5 Site v2r9 | Windows | SYSTEM AND INFORMATION INTEGRITY |
JUEX-L2-000020 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to uniquely identify all network-connected endpoint devices before establishing any connection. | DISA Juniper EX Series Layer 2 Switch v2r2 | Juniper | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
KNOX-07-018900 - The Samsung Android 7 with Knox must use a NIAP certified container for work data and applications. | AirWatch - DISA Samsung Android 7 with Knox 2.x v1r1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
MD7X-00-009300 MongoDB products must be a supported version. | DISA MongoDB Enterprise Advanced 7.x STIG v1r1 | Unix | SYSTEM AND INFORMATION INTEGRITY |
MYS8-00-012600 - MySQL database products must be a version supported by the vendor. | DISA Oracle MySQL 8.0 v2r2 DB | MySQLDB | SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION |
OL07-00-010291 - The Oracle Linux operating system must not have accounts configured with blank or null passwords. | DISA Oracle Linux 7 STIG v3r1 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
OL07-00-020231 - The Oracle Linux operating system must be configured so the x86 Ctrl-Alt-Delete key sequence is disabled in the Graphical User Interface. | DISA Oracle Linux 7 STIG v3r1 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
OL08-00-010121 - The OL 8 operating system must not have accounts configured with blank or null passwords. | DISA Oracle Linux 8 STIG v2r2 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
OL08-00-020331 - OL 8 must not allow blank or null passwords in the system-auth file. | DISA Oracle Linux 8 STIG v2r2 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
OL08-00-040171 - The x86 Ctrl-Alt-Delete key sequence in OL 8 must be disabled if a graphical user interface is installed. | DISA Oracle Linux 8 STIG v2r2 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
OL08-00-040200 - The root account must be the only account having unrestricted access to the OL 8 system. | DISA Oracle Linux 8 STIG v2r2 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
OL08-00-040360 - A File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server package must not be installed unless mission essential on OL 8. | DISA Oracle Linux 8 STIG v2r2 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
Preserving or modifying HTTP response headers removed by the BIG-IP ASM system | Tenable F5 BIG-IP Best Practice Audit | F5 | SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
RHEL-08-010470 - There must be no .shosts files on the RHEL 8 operating system. | DISA Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 STIG v2r1 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
RHEL-08-040190 - The Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) server package must not be installed if not required for RHEL 8 operational support. | DISA Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 STIG v2r1 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
RHEL-09-252075 - There must be no .shosts files on RHEL 9. | DISA Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 STIG v2r2 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
SLES-15-040430 - The SUSE operating system must not allow unattended or automatic logon via the graphical user interface (GUI). | DISA SLES 15 STIG v2r2 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
SLES-15-040440 - The SUSE operating system must not allow unattended or automatic logon via SSH. | DISA SLES 15 STIG v2r2 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
SYMP-NM-000220 - Symantec ProxySG must use only approved management services protocols. | DISA Symantec ProxySG Benchmark NDM v1r2 | BlueCoat | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
SYMP-NM-000320 - Symantec ProxySG must enable Attack Detection. | DISA Symantec ProxySG Benchmark NDM v1r2 | BlueCoat | SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
UBTU-18-010522 - The Ubuntu operating system must not have accounts configured with blank or null passwords. | DISA STIG Ubuntu 18.04 LTS v2r15 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
UBTU-20-010012 - The Ubuntu operating system must ensure only users who need access to security functions are part of sudo group. | DISA STIG Ubuntu 20.04 LTS v2r1 | Unix | SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
UBTU-20-010460 - The Ubuntu operating system must disable the x86 Ctrl-Alt-Delete key sequence. | DISA STIG Ubuntu 20.04 LTS v2r1 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
UBTU-22-611060 - Ubuntu 22.04 LTS must not allow accounts configured with blank or null passwords. | DISA Canonical Ubuntu 22.04 LTS STIG v2r3 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
VCPG-67-000012 - VMware Postgres must require authentication on all connections. | DISA STIG VMware vSphere 6.7 PostgreSQL v1r2 | Unix | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
WBSP-AS-000212 - The WebSphere Application Server Java 2 security must not be bypassed. | DISA IBM WebSphere Traditional 9 STIG v1r1 Middleware | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
WN11-00-000050 - Local volumes must be formatted using NTFS. | DISA Windows 11 STIG v2r2 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
WN11-00-000150 - Structured Exception Handling Overwrite Protection (SEHOP) must be enabled. | DISA Windows 11 STIG v2r2 | Windows | SYSTEM AND INFORMATION INTEGRITY |
WN11-CC-000155 - Solicited Remote Assistance must not be allowed. | DISA Windows 11 STIG v2r2 | Windows | SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
WN22-DC-000150 - Windows Server 2022 directory data (outside the root DSE) of a nonpublic directory must be configured to prevent anonymous access. | DISA Windows Server 2022 STIG v2r2 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
WN22-SO-000230 - Windows Server 2022 must not allow anonymous enumeration of shares. | DISA Windows Server 2022 STIG v2r2 | Windows | SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
WN22-SO-000310 - Windows Server 2022 LAN Manager authentication level must be configured to send NTLMv2 response only and to refuse LM and NTLM. | DISA Windows Server 2022 STIG v2r2 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |