1.1.9 Set 'aaa accounting exec' | CIS Cisco IOS 15 L2 v4.1.1 | Cisco | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
1.10.2 Ensure 'logging to monitor' is disabled | CIS Cisco ASA 9.x Firewall L1 v1.1.0 | Cisco | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
2.2.29 (L1) Ensure 'Generate security audits' is set to 'LOCAL SERVICE, NETWORK SERVICE' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller Level 1 v3.3.1 | Windows | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
2.2.29 (L1) Ensure 'Generate security audits' is set to 'LOCAL SERVICE, NETWORK SERVICE' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Member Server Level 1 v3.3.1 | Windows | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
2.2.30 (L1) Ensure 'Generate security audits' is set to 'LOCAL SERVICE, NETWORK SERVICE' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Domain Controller Level 1 v3.3.1 | Windows | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
3.2 Ensure the PostgreSQL Audit Extension (pgAudit) is enabled - pgaudit installed | CIS PostgreSQL 12 DB v1.1.0 | PostgreSQLDB | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY | Ensure auditing for processes that start prior to auditd is enabled | CIS Oracle Linux 7 v4.0.0 L2 Workstation | Unix | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY | Ensure auditing for processes that start prior to auditd is enabled | CIS Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 v4.0.0 L2 Server | Unix | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY | Ensure audit_backlog_limit is sufficient | CIS Red Hat EL8 Server L2 v3.0.0 | Unix | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY | Ensure audit_backlog_limit is sufficient | CIS Rocky Linux 8 Server L2 v2.0.0 | Unix | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY | Ensure auditing for processes that start prior to auditd is enabled | CIS Ubuntu Linux 18.04 LTS v2.2.0 L2 Server | Unix | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY | Ensure successful and unsuccessful attempts to use the chcon command are recorded | CIS Oracle Linux 8 Server L2 v3.0.0 | Unix | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY | Ensure successful and unsuccessful attempts to use the chcon command are recorded | CIS Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 v4.0.0 L2 Workstation | Unix | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY | Ensure successful and unsuccessful attempts to use the chcon command are recorded | CIS Rocky Linux 8 Server L2 v2.0.0 | Unix | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY | Ensure successful and unsuccessful attempts to use the chcon command are recorded | CIS Rocky Linux 8 Workstation L2 v2.0.0 | Unix | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY | Ensure successful and unsuccessful attempts to use the chcon command are recorded | CIS Ubuntu Linux 18.04 LTS v2.2.0 L2 Server | Unix | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY | Ensure successful and unsuccessful attempts to use the setfacl command are recorded | CIS Oracle Linux 7 v4.0.0 L2 Workstation | Unix | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY | Ensure successful and unsuccessful attempts to use the setfacl command are recorded | CIS Red Hat EL8 Workstation L2 v3.0.0 | Unix | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY | Ensure successful and unsuccessful attempts to use the setfacl command are recorded | CIS Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 v4.0.0 L2 Server | Unix | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY | Ensure successful and unsuccessful attempts to use the setfacl command are recorded | CIS Rocky Linux 8 Workstation L2 v2.0.0 | Unix | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY | Ensure successful and unsuccessful attempts to use the chacl command are recorded | CIS Oracle Linux 7 v4.0.0 L2 Workstation | Unix | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY | Ensure successful and unsuccessful attempts to use the chacl command are recorded | CIS Red Hat EL8 Workstation L2 v3.0.0 | Unix | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY | Ensure successful and unsuccessful attempts to use the chacl command are recorded | CIS Rocky Linux 8 Server L2 v2.0.0 | Unix | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY | Ensure successful and unsuccessful attempts to use the chacl command are recorded | CIS Ubuntu Linux 18.04 LTS v2.2.0 L2 Server | Unix | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY | Ensure successful and unsuccessful attempts to use the usermod command are recorded | CIS CentOS Linux 7 v4.0.0 L2 Workstation | Unix | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY | Ensure successful and unsuccessful attempts to use the usermod command are recorded | CIS Oracle Linux 7 v4.0.0 L2 Server | Unix | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY | Ensure successful and unsuccessful attempts to use the usermod command are recorded | CIS Red Hat EL8 Server L2 v3.0.0 | Unix | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY | Ensure successful and unsuccessful attempts to use the usermod command are recorded | CIS Rocky Linux 8 Server L2 v2.0.0 | Unix | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
5.3.4 Ensure server parameter 'audit_log_events' has 'CONNECTION' set for MySQL flexible server | CIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v3.0.0 L2 | microsoft_azure | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
6.1 Ensure 'log_error' is configured correctly | CIS MySQL 5.7 Community Database L1 v2.0.0 | MySQLDB | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
6.1 Ensure 'log_error' Is Not Empty | CIS MySQL 5.6 Enterprise Database L1 v2.0.0 | MySQLDB | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
6.1.1 Ensure 'AuditDisabled' organizationally is set to 'False' | CIS Microsoft 365 Foundations E3 L1 v3.1.0 | microsoft_azure | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
6.1.2 Ensure mailbox auditing for E3 users is Enabled | CIS Microsoft 365 Foundations E3 L1 v3.1.0 | microsoft_azure | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY | Ensure journald ForwardToSyslog is disabled | CIS Debian Linux 12 v1.1.0 L1 Server | Unix | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY | Ensure journald ForwardToSyslog is disabled | CIS Ubuntu Linux 24.04 LTS v1.0.0 L1 Workstation | Unix | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
6.1.3 Ensure mailbox auditing for E5 users is Enabled | CIS Microsoft 365 Foundations E5 L1 v3.1.0 | microsoft_azure | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY | Ensure auditing for processes that start prior to auditd is enabled | CIS Ubuntu Linux 24.04 LTS v1.0.0 L2 Workstation | Unix | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY | Ensure journald ForwardToSyslog is disabled | CIS Oracle Linux 9 v2.0.0 L1 Workstation | Unix | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY | Ensure successful and unsuccessful attempts to use the usermod command are collected | CIS Debian Linux 12 v1.1.0 L2 Workstation | Unix | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY | Ensure auditing for processes that start prior to auditd is enabled | CIS Rocky Linux 9 v2.0.0 L2 Server | Unix | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY | Ensure successful and unsuccessful attempts to use the chcon command are collected | CIS Oracle Linux 9 v2.0.0 L2 Server | Unix | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY | Ensure successful and unsuccessful attempts to use the chcon command are collected | CIS Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 v2.0.0 L2 Server | Unix | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY | Ensure successful and unsuccessful attempts to use the chacl command are collected | CIS Rocky Linux 9 v2.0.0 L2 Workstation | Unix | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY | Ensure successful and unsuccessful attempts to use the usermod command are collected | CIS Rocky Linux 9 v2.0.0 L2 Server | Unix | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY | Ensure successful and unsuccessful attempts to use the chcon command are recorded | CIS Debian Linux 11 v2.0.0 L2 Workstation | Unix | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
6.8 Ensure the Audit Plugin Can't be Unloaded | CIS MySQL 5.7 Enterprise Database L1 v2.0.0 | MySQLDB | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
8.13 (L1) VMware Tools must enable VMware Tools logging | CIS VMware ESXi 8.0 v1.1.0 L1 | VMware | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY | (L1) Ensure 'Allow auditing events in Microsoft Defender Application Guard' is set to 'Enabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows 11 Enterprise v3.0.0 L1 + BL | Windows | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY | (NG) Ensure 'Allow auditing events in Microsoft Defender Application Guard' is set to 'Enabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise v3.0.0 L2 + BL + NG | Windows | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY | (NG) Ensure 'Allow auditing events in Microsoft Defender Application Guard' is set to 'Enabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise v3.0.0 NG | Windows | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |