Item Search

NameAudit NamePluginCategory
2.1.2 Ensure That Microsoft Defender for App Services Is Set To 'On'CIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v2.0.0 L2microsoft_azure
2.1.2 Ensure That Microsoft Defender for App Services Is Set To 'On'CIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v1.5.0 L2microsoft_azure
2.1.3 Ensure That Microsoft Defender for Databases Is Set To 'On'CIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v1.5.0 L2microsoft_azure
2.1.3 Ensure That Microsoft Defender for Databases Is Set To 'On'CIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v2.0.0 L2microsoft_azure
2.1.4 Ensure That Microsoft Defender for Azure SQL Databases Is Set To 'On'CIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v1.5.0 L2microsoft_azure
2.1.5 Ensure That Microsoft Defender for SQL Servers on Machines Is Set To 'On'CIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v2.0.0 L2microsoft_azure
2.1.5 Ensure That Microsoft Defender for SQL Servers on Machines Is Set To 'On'CIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v1.5.0 L2microsoft_azure
2.1.6 Ensure That Microsoft Defender for Open-Source Relational Databases Is Set To 'On'CIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v1.5.0 L2microsoft_azure
2.1.7 Ensure That Microsoft Defender for Storage Is Set To 'On'CIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v1.5.0 L2microsoft_azure
2.1.7 Ensure That Microsoft Defender for Storage Is Set To 'On'CIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v2.0.0 L2microsoft_azure
2.1.8 Ensure That Microsoft Defender for Containers Is Set To 'On'CIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v2.0.0 L2microsoft_azure
2.1.8 Ensure That Microsoft Defender for Containers Is Set To 'On'CIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v1.5.0 L2microsoft_azure
2.1.9 Ensure That Microsoft Defender for Azure Cosmos DB Is Set To 'On'CIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v2.0.0 L2microsoft_azure
2.1.9 Ensure That Microsoft Defender for Cosmos DB Is Set To 'On'CIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v1.5.0 L2microsoft_azure
2.1.12 Ensure That Microsoft Defender for IoT Is Set To 'On'CIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v1.5.0 L2microsoft_azure
2.1.12 Ensure That Microsoft Defender for Resource Manager Is Set To 'On'CIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v2.0.0 L2microsoft_azure
2.1.13 Ensure That Microsoft Defender for Resource Manager Is Set To 'On'CIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v1.5.0 L2microsoft_azure
2.1.15 Ensure that Auto provisioning of 'Log Analytics agent for Azure VMs' is Set to 'On'CIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v2.0.0 L1microsoft_azure
2.1.16 Ensure that Auto provisioning of 'Vulnerability assessment for machines' is Set to 'On'CIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v2.0.0 L2microsoft_azure
2.1.21 Ensure that Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps integration with Microsoft Defender for Cloud is SelectedCIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v2.0.0 L2microsoft_azure
2.1.22 Ensure that Microsoft Defender for Endpoint integration with Microsoft Defender for Cloud is selectedCIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v2.0.0 L2microsoft_azure
2.2.1 Ensure that Auto provisioning of 'Log Analytics agent for Azure VMs' is Set to 'On'CIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v1.5.0 L1microsoft_azure
2.2.1 Ensure That Microsoft Defender for IoT Hub Is Set To 'On'CIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v2.0.0 L2microsoft_azure
2.2.2 Ensure that Auto provisioning of 'Vulnerability assessment for machines' is Set to 'On'CIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v1.5.0 L2microsoft_azure
2.4.1 Ensure that Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps integration with Microsoft Defender for Cloud is SelectedCIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v1.5.0 L2microsoft_azure
2.4.2 Ensure that Microsoft Defender for Endpoint integration with Microsoft Defender for Cloud is selectedCIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v1.5.0 L2microsoft_azure
2.11 Ensure that 'Automatic provisioning of monitoring agent' is set to 'On'CIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v1.3.1 L1microsoft_azure
4.2.1 Ensure that Microsoft Defender for SQL is set to 'On' for critical SQL ServersCIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v2.0.0 L2microsoft_azure
4.2.1 Ensure that Microsoft Defender for SQL is set to 'On' for critical SQL ServersCIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v1.5.0 L2microsoft_azure
4.2.2 Ensure that Vulnerability Assessment (VA) is enabled on a SQL server by setting a Storage AccountCIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v1.5.0 L2microsoft_azure
4.2.3 Ensure that VA setting Periodic Recurring Scans is enabled on a SQL serverCIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v1.3.1 L2microsoft_azure
4.2.3 Ensure that Vulnerability Assessment (VA) setting 'Periodic recurring scans' is set to 'on' for each SQL serverCIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v1.5.0 L2microsoft_azure
4.2.3 Ensure that Vulnerability Assessment (VA) setting 'Periodic recurring scans' is set to 'on' for each SQL serverCIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v2.0.0 L2microsoft_azure
4.2.4 Ensure that VA setting Send scan reports to is configured for a SQL serverCIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v1.3.1 L2microsoft_azure
4.2.4 Ensure that Vulnerability Assessment (VA) setting 'Send scan reports to' is configured for a SQL serverCIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v2.0.0 L2microsoft_azure
4.2.4 Ensure that Vulnerability Assessment (VA) setting 'Send scan reports to' is configured for a SQL serverCIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v1.5.0 L2microsoft_azure
4.2.5 Ensure that VA setting 'Also send email notifications to admins and subscription owners' is set for a SQL serverCIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v1.3.1 L2microsoft_azure
4.2.5 Ensure that Vulnerability Assessment (VA) setting 'Also send email notifications to admins and subscription owners' is set for each SQL ServerCIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v2.0.0 L1microsoft_azure
4.2.5 Ensure that Vulnerability Assessment (VA) setting 'Also send email notifications to admins and subscription owners' is set for each SQL ServerCIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v1.5.0 L1microsoft_azure
5.5.2 Ensure Node Auto-Repair is enabled for GKE nodesCIS Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) v1.4.0 L1GCP
5.5.2 Ensure Node Auto-Repair is enabled for GKE nodesCIS Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) v1.3.0 L1GCP
5.5.2 Ensure Node Auto-Repair is enabled for GKE nodesCIS Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) v1.1.0 L1 MasterGCP
5.26 Ensure that container health is checked at runtimeCIS Docker v1.5.0 L1 Docker LinuxUnix
7.2 Use FLRTVC regularlyCIS IBM AIX 7.2 L1 v1.0.0Unix Ensure 'Hardened UNC Paths' is set - NETLOGONCIS Microsoft Windows Server 2016 STIG DC L1 v1.0.0Windows Ensure 'Hardened UNC Paths' is set - NETLOGONCIS Microsoft Windows Server 2016 STIG MS L1 v1.0.0Windows Ensure 'Hardened UNC Paths' is set - SYSVOL shares'CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2016 STIG DC L1 v1.0.0Windows Ensure 'Hardened UNC Paths' is set - SYSVOL shares'CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2016 STIG MS L1 v1.0.0Windows Ensure 'Hardened UNC Paths' is set to 'Enabled, with 'Require Mutual Authentication' and 'Require Integrity' set for all NETLOGON and SYSVOL shares'CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2016 STIG NG DC L3 v1.0.0Windows Ensure 'Hardened UNC Paths' is set to 'Enabled, with 'Require Mutual Authentication' and 'Require Integrity' set for all NETLOGON and SYSVOL shares'CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2016 STIG NG MS L3 v1.0.0Windows