



The organization employs the principle of least privilege, allowing only authorized accesses for users (or processes acting on behalf of users) which are necessary to accomplish assigned tasks in accordance with organizational missions and business functions.


Organizations employ least privilege for specific duties and information systems. The principle of least privilege is also applied to information system processes, ensuring that the processes operate at privilege levels no higher than necessary to accomplish required organizational missions/business functions. Organizations consider the creation of additional processes, roles, and information system accounts as necessary, to achieve least privilege. Organizations also apply least privilege to the development, implementation, and operation of organizational information systems.

Reference Item Details

Related: AC-2,AC-3,AC-5,CM-6,CM-7,PL-2



Priority: P1

Baseline Impact: MODERATE,HIGH

Audit Items

View all Reference Audit Items

NamePluginAudit Name
1.1 Create local-settings.js file - general.config.filenameUnixCIS Mozilla Firefox 38 ESR Linux L1 v1.0.0
1.1 Create local-settings.js file - general.config.filenameUnixCIS Mozilla Firefox 102 ESR Linux L1 v1.0.0
1.1 Ensure 'Web content' is on non-system partitionWindowsCIS IIS 10 v1.2.1 Level 1
1.1 Ensure root does not have ownership of Websphere Liberty binariesUnixCIS IBM WebSphere Liberty v1.0.0 L1
1.1.1 Ensure Administrative accounts are separate and cloud-onlymicrosoft_azureCIS Microsoft 365 Foundations E3 L1 v3.1.0
1.1.1 Ensure that the --allow-privileged argument is set to falseUnixCIS Kubernetes 1.7.0 Benchmark v1.1.0 L1
1.1.1 Ensure that the API server pod specification file permissions are set to 600 or more restrictiveUnixCIS Kubernetes v1.24 Benchmark v1.0.0 L1 Master
1.1.1 Ensure that the API server pod specification file permissions are set to 600 or more restrictiveUnixCIS Kubernetes v1.23 Benchmark v1.0.1 L1 Master
1.1.1 Ensure that the API server pod specification file permissions are set to 600 or more restrictiveUnixCIS Kubernetes v1.10.0 L1 Master
1.1.1 Ensure that the API server pod specification file permissions are set to 600 or more restrictiveUnixCIS Kubernetes v1.20 Benchmark v1.0.1 L1 Master
1.1.1 Ensure that the API server pod specification file permissions are set to 600 or more restrictiveOpenShiftCIS RedHat OpenShift Container Platform v1.6.0 L1
1.1.10 Ensure nodev option set on /dev/shm partitionUnixCIS Google Container-Optimized OS v1.2.0 L1 Server
1.1.10 Ensure noexec option set on /var/tmp partitionUnixCIS Amazon Linux v2.1.0 L1
1.1.10 Ensure noexec option set on /var/tmp partitionUnixCIS SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 L1 v2.1.1
1.1.10 Ensure noexec option set on /var/tmp partitionUnixCIS SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation 11 L1 v2.1.1
1.1.10 Ensure separate partition exists for /varUnixCIS Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 STIG v2.0.0 L2 Server
1.1.10 Ensure separate partition exists for /varUnixCIS Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 STIG v2.0.0 L2 Workstation
1.1.10 Ensure that the admission control plugin AlwaysAdmit is not setUnixCIS Kubernetes 1.11 Benchmark v1.3.0 L1
1.1.10 Ensure that the admission control plugin AlwaysAdmit is not setUnixCIS Kubernetes 1.13 Benchmark v1.4.1 L1
1.1.10 Ensure that the admission control policy is set to AlwaysPullImagesUnixCIS Kubernetes 1.8 Benchmark v1.2.0 L1
1.1.10 Ensure that the Container Network Interface file ownership is set to root:rootUnixCIS Kubernetes v1.20 Benchmark v1.0.1 L1 Master
1.1.10 Ensure that the Container Network Interface file ownership is set to root:rootUnixCIS Kubernetes v1.23 Benchmark v1.0.1 L1 Master
1.1.10 Ensure that the Container Network Interface file ownership is set to root:rootUnixCIS Kubernetes v1.24 Benchmark v1.0.0 L1 Master
1.1.10 Ensure that the Container Network Interface file ownership is set to root:rootUnixCIS Kubernetes v1.10.0 L1 Master
1.1.10 Ensure that the Container Network Interface file ownership is set to root:rootOpenShiftCIS RedHat OpenShift Container Platform v1.6.0 L1
1.1.11 Ensure nosuid option set on /dev/shm partitionUnixCIS Google Container-Optimized OS v1.2.0 L1 Server
1.1.11 Ensure separate partition exists for /var/tmpUnixCIS Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 STIG v2.0.0 L2 Workstation
1.1.11 Ensure separate partition exists for /var/tmpUnixCIS Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 STIG v2.0.0 L2 Server
1.1.11 Ensure that the admission control plugin AlwaysPullImages is setUnixCIS Kubernetes 1.11 Benchmark v1.3.0 L1
1.1.11 Ensure that the admission control policy is not set to AlwaysAdmitUnixCIS Kubernetes 1.7.0 Benchmark v1.1.0 L1
1.1.11 Ensure that the admission control policy is set to DenyEscalatingExecUnixCIS Kubernetes 1.8 Benchmark v1.2.0 L1
1.1.11 Ensure that the etcd data directory permissions are set to 700 or more restrictiveUnixCIS Kubernetes v1.10.0 L1 Master
1.1.11 Ensure that the etcd data directory permissions are set to 700 or more restrictiveUnixCIS Kubernetes v1.24 Benchmark v1.0.0 L1 Master
1.1.11 Ensure that the etcd data directory permissions are set to 700 or more restrictiveOpenShiftCIS RedHat OpenShift Container Platform v1.6.0 L1
1.1.11 Ensure that the etcd data directory permissions are set to 700 or more restrictiveUnixCIS Kubernetes v1.23 Benchmark v1.0.1 L1 Master
1.1.11 Ensure that the etcd data directory permissions are set to 700 or more restrictiveUnixCIS Kubernetes v1.20 Benchmark v1.0.1 L1 Master
1.1.12 Ensure /var/tmp partition includes the noexec optionUnixCIS Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 STIG v2.0.0 L1 Workstation
1.1.12 Ensure /var/tmp partition includes the noexec optionUnixCIS Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 STIG v2.0.0 L1 Server
1.1.12 Ensure that the admission control plugin DenyEscalatingExec is setUnixCIS Kubernetes 1.11 Benchmark v1.3.0 L1
1.1.12 Ensure that the admission control policy is set to AlwaysPullImagesUnixCIS Kubernetes 1.7.0 Benchmark v1.1.0 L1
1.1.12 Ensure that the admission control policy is set to SecurityContextDenyUnixCIS Kubernetes 1.8 Benchmark v1.2.0 L1
1.1.12 Ensure that the etcd data directory ownership is set to etcd:etcdUnixCIS Kubernetes v1.10.0 L1 Master
1.1.12 Ensure that the etcd data directory ownership is set to etcd:etcdUnixCIS Kubernetes v1.23 Benchmark v1.0.1 L1 Master
1.1.12 Ensure that the etcd data directory ownership is set to etcd:etcdOpenShiftCIS RedHat OpenShift Container Platform v1.6.0 L1
1.1.12 Ensure that the etcd data directory ownership is set to etcd:etcdUnixCIS Kubernetes v1.20 Benchmark v1.0.1 L1 Master
1.02 Windows Oracle Local Account - 'Use Restricted Service Account (RSA)'WindowsCIS v1.1.0 Oracle 11g OS Windows Level 1
1.03 Windows Oracle Domain Account - 'Use Restricted Service Account (RSA)'WindowsCIS v1.1.0 Oracle 11g OS Windows Level 1
1.04 Windows Oracle Account - 'Deny Log on Locally Right'WindowsCIS v1.1.0 Oracle 11g OS Windows Level 1
1.05 Windows Oracle Domain Global Group - 'Create a global group for the RSA and make it the RSA's primary group'WindowsCIS v1.1.0 Oracle 11g OS Windows Level 1
1.06 Windows Oracle Account Domain Users Group Membership - 'Remove the RSA from the Domain Users group'WindowsCIS v1.1.0 Oracle 11g OS Windows Level 1