



Configures the information system to provide only essential capabilities; and

Reference Item Details



Baseline Impact: LOW,MODERATE,HIGH

Audit Items

View all Reference Audit Items

NamePluginAudit Name
1.1 Secure Login and Telnet Disabling - Enable SSH serverZTE_ROSNGTenable ZTE ROSNG
1.01 Windows platform - 'Do not install Oracle on a domain controller'WindowsCIS v1.1.0 Oracle 11g OS Windows Level 1
1.3 Install Solaris Encryption Kit - Check if Package SUNWcrman is installedUnixCIS Solaris 10 L1 v5.2
1.3 Install Solaris Encryption Kit - Check if Package SUNWcry is installedUnixCIS Solaris 10 L1 v5.2
1.3 Install Solaris Encryption Kit - Check if Package SUNWcryr is installedUnixCIS Solaris 10 L1 v5.2
1.5 FTP/SFTP Access Authorization - login-type-allowedZTE_ROSNGTenable ZTE ROSNG
2.1.7 Ensure IPv6 is disabled if not usedCheckPointCIS Check Point Firewall L1 v1.1.0
2.1.8 Set 'no service pad'CiscoCIS Cisco IOS 12 L1 v4.0.0
2.2.4 Ensure 'Default notification setting' is set to 'Enabled: Do not allow any site to show desktop notifications'WindowsCIS Google Chrome L2 v3.0.0
2.2.14 Ensure NIS server is not installedUnixCIS Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 STIG v2.0.0 STIG
2.2.20 Ensure the rsh package has been removedUnixCIS Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 STIG v2.0.0 STIG
2.3.4 Ensure telnet client is not installedUnixCIS Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 STIG v2.0.0 STIG
3.7 Disable Cloud SyncWindowsCIS Mozilla Firefox 38 ESR Windows L1 v1.0.0
3.7 Disable Cloud SyncUnixCIS Mozilla Firefox 38 ESR Linux L1 v1.0.0
5.1 Disallow JavaScript's Ability to Change the Status Bar TextWindowsCIS Mozilla Firefox 38 ESR Windows L1 v1.0.0
5.1 Disallow JavaScript's Ability to Change the Status Bar TextUnixCIS Mozilla Firefox 38 ESR Linux L1 v1.0.0
5.2 Disable Closing of Windows via ScriptsUnixCIS Mozilla Firefox 102 ESR Linux L1 v1.0.0
5.2 Disable Closing of Windows via ScriptsWindowsCIS Mozilla Firefox 102 ESR Windows L1 v1.0.0
5.016 - Internet Information System (IIS) or its subcomponents are installed on a workstation.WindowsDISA Windows Vista STIG v6r41
5.017 - The user is allowed to launch Windows Messenger (MSN Messenger, .NET Messenger).WindowsDISA Windows Vista STIG v6r41
5.018 - Windows Messenger (MSN Messenger, .NET messenger) is run at system startup.WindowsDISA Windows Vista STIG v6r41
5.027 - The system is configured to allow remote desktop sharing through NetMeeting.WindowsDISA Windows Vista STIG v6r41
5.125 - File and Folder Publish to Web option unavailable.WindowsDISA Windows Vista STIG v6r41
5.126 - Web Publishing and online ordering wizards prevented from downloading list of providers.WindowsDISA Windows Vista STIG v6r41
5.127 - Windows Messenger prevented from collecting anonymous information.WindowsDISA Windows Vista STIG v6r41
5.129 - Prevent printing over HTTP.WindowsDISA Windows Vista STIG v6r41
5.130 - Computer prevented from downloading print driver packages over HTTP.WindowsDISA Windows Vista STIG v6r41
5.200 - Disable the Mapper I/O Driver.WindowsDISA Windows Vista STIG v6r41
5.200 - Network - Mapper I/O Driver - AllowLLTDIOOndomainWindowsDISA Windows Vista STIG v6r41
5.200 - Network - Mapper I/O Driver - AllowLLTDIOOnPublicNetWindowsDISA Windows Vista STIG v6r41
5.200 - Network - Mapper I/O Driver - EnableLLTDIOWindowsDISA Windows Vista STIG v6r41
5.200 - Network - Mapper I/O Driver - ProhibitLLTDIOOnPrivateNetWindowsDISA Windows Vista STIG v6r41
5.201 - Network - Responder Driver - AllowRspndrOndomainWindowsDISA Windows Vista STIG v6r41
5.201 - Network - Responder Driver - AllowRspndrOnPublicNetWindowsDISA Windows Vista STIG v6r41
5.201 - Network - Responder Driver - EnableRspndrWindowsDISA Windows Vista STIG v6r41
5.201 - Network - Responder Driver - ProhibitRspndrOnPrivateNetWindowsDISA Windows Vista STIG v6r41
5.202 - Windows Peer to Peer NetworkingWindowsDISA Windows Vista STIG v6r41
5.203 - Prohibit Network Bridge in WindowsWindowsDISA Windows Vista STIG v6r41
5.206 - Network - Windows Connect Now Wireless ConfigurationWindowsDISA Windows Vista STIG v6r41
5.206 - Network - Windows Connect Now Wireless Configuration - DisableFlashConfigRegistrarWindowsDISA Windows Vista STIG v6r41
5.206 - Network - Windows Connect Now Wireless Configuration - DisableInBand802DOT11RegistrarWindowsDISA Windows Vista STIG v6r41
5.206 - Network - Windows Connect Now Wireless Configuration - DisableUPnPRegistrarWindowsDISA Windows Vista STIG v6r41
5.206 - Network - Windows Connect Now Wireless Configuration - DisableWPDRegistrarWindowsDISA Windows Vista STIG v6r41
5.206 - Network - Windows Connect Now Wireless Configuration - EnableRegistrarsWindowsDISA Windows Vista STIG v6r41
5.207 - Network - Windows Connect Now WizardsWindowsDISA Windows Vista STIG v6r41
5.208 - Device Install - PnP Interface Remote AccessWindowsDISA Windows Vista STIG v6r41
5.210 - Device Install - Generic Driver Error ReportWindowsDISA Windows Vista STIG v6r41
20.24 Ensure 'Domain Controllers run on a machine dedicated to that function' (STIG DC only)WindowsCIS Microsoft Windows Server 2016 STIG v3.0.0 STIG DC
20.24 Ensure 'Domain Controllers run on a machine dedicated to that function' (STIG DC only)WindowsCIS Microsoft Windows Server 2019 STIG v3.0.0 STIG DC
20.24 Ensure 'Domain Controllers run on a machine dedicated to that function' (STIG DC only)WindowsCIS Microsoft Windows Server 2022 STIG v2.0.0 STIG DC