



Replaces information system components when support for the components is no longer available from the developer, vendor, or manufacturer; and

Reference Item Details



Audit Items

View all Reference Audit Items

NamePluginAudit Name
CASA-ND-001420 - The Cisco ASA must be running an operating system release that is currently supported by Cisco Systems.CiscoDISA STIG Cisco ASA NDM v2r2
CD12-00-012900 - PostgreSQL products must be a version supported by the vendor.UnixDISA STIG Crunchy Data PostgreSQL OS v3r1
EP11-00-013300 - EDB Postgres Advanced Server v11 products must be a version supported by the vendor.PostgreSQLDBEDB PostgreSQL Advanced Server v11 DB Audit v2r4
EPAS-00-013200 - EDB Postgres Advanced Server products must be a version supported by the vendor.UnixEnterpriseDB PostgreSQL Advanced Server OS Linux v2r1
MADB-10-012600 - MariaDB products must be a version supported by the vendor.MySQLDBDISA MariaDB Enterprise 10.x v2r2 DB
MD3X-00-001200 - MongoDB products must be a version supported by the vendor.MongoDBDISA STIG MongoDB Enterprise Advanced 3.x v2r3 DB
MD4X-00-006500 - MongoDB products must be a version supported by the vendor.MongoDBDISA STIG MongoDB Enterprise Advanced 4.x v1r4 DB
MYS8-00-012600 - MySQL database products must be a version supported by the vendor.MySQLDBDISA Oracle MySQL 8.0 v2r2 DB
O112-BP-024750 - Oracle database products must be a version supported by the vendor.OracleDBDISA STIG Oracle 11.2g v2r5 Database
O121-BP-024750 - Oracle database products must be a version supported by the vendor.OracleDBDISA STIG Oracle 12c v3r2 Database
PGS9-00-012900 - PostgreSQL products must be a version supported by the vendor.UnixDISA STIG PostgreSQL 9.x on RHEL OS v2r5
PPS9-00-013300 - EDB Postgres Advanced Server products must be a version supported by the vendor.UnixEDB PostgreSQL Advanced Server OS Linux Audit v2r3
SQL4-00-038300 - Microsoft SQL Server products must be a version supported by the vendor.MS_SQLDBDISA STIG SQL Server 2014 Database Audit v1r7
SQL4-00-039200 - Microsoft SQL Server products must be a version supported by the vendor.MS_SQLDBDISA STIG SQL Server 2014 Instance DB Audit v2r4
SQL6-D0-018300 - Microsoft SQL Server products must be a version supported by the vendor.MS_SQLDBDISA STIG SQL Server 2016 Instance DB Audit v3r2