



Performs this verification [Selection (one or more): [Assignment: organization-defined system transitional states]; upon command by user with appropriate privilege; [Assignment: organization-defined frequency]];

Reference Item Details



Baseline Impact: HIGH

Audit Items

View all Reference Audit Items

NamePluginAudit Name
APPL-14-005100 - The macOS system must ensure secure boot level set to full.UnixDISA Apple macOS 14 (Sonoma) STIG v1r2
ESXI-70-000095 - The ESXi host must implement Secure Boot enforcement.UnixDISA STIG VMware vSphere 7.0 ESXi OS v1r2
OL07-00-020030 - The Oracle Linux operating system must be configured so that a file integrity tool verifies the baseline operating system configuration at least weekly - aide.UnixDISA Oracle Linux 7 STIG v2r14
OL07-00-020030 - The Oracle Linux operating system must be configured so that a file integrity tool verifies the baseline operating system configuration at least weekly - cron.UnixDISA Oracle Linux 7 STIG v2r14
OL08-00-010360 - The OL 8 file integrity tool must notify the System Administrator (SA) when changes to the baseline configuration or anomalies in the operation of any security functions are discovered within an organizationally defined frequency.UnixDISA Oracle Linux 8 STIG v1r10
PHTN-30-000013 - The Photon operating system must have the auditd service running.UnixDISA STIG VMware vSphere 7.0 Photon OS v1r3
PHTN-67-000018 - The Photon operating system must have the auditd service running.UnixDISA STIG VMware vSphere 6.7 Photon OS v1r6
RHEL-09-651015 - RHEL 9 must routinely check the baseline configuration for unauthorized changes and notify the system administrator when anomalies in the operation of any security functions are discovered.UnixDISA Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 STIG v1r3
SLES-12-010500 - Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment (AIDE) must verify the baseline SUSE operating system configuration at least weekly.UnixDISA SLES 12 STIG v2r13
SLES-15-010420 - Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment (AIDE) must verify the baseline SUSE operating system configuration at least weekly.UnixDISA SLES 15 STIG v1r13
UBTU-16-010510 - The file integrity tool must perform verification of the correct operation of security functions: upon system start-up and/or restart; upon command by a user with privileged access; and/or every 30 days.UnixDISA STIG Ubuntu 16.04 LTS v2r3
UBTU-18-010516 - The Ubuntu operating system must be configured so that a file integrity tool verifies the correct operation of security functions every 30 days.UnixDISA STIG Ubuntu 18.04 LTS v2r14
UBTU-20-010074 - The Ubuntu operating system must be configured so that the script which runs each 30 days or less to check file integrity is the default one.UnixDISA STIG Ubuntu 20.04 LTS v1r12
UBTU-22-651025 - Ubuntu 22.04 LTS must be configured so that the script that runs each 30 days or less to check file integrity is the default.UnixDISA STIG Canonical Ubuntu 22.04 LTS v1r1
WDNS-SI-000007 - The Windows 2012 DNS Server must log the event and notify the system administrator when anomalies in the operation of the signed zone transfers are discovered.WindowsDISA Microsoft Windows 2012 Server DNS STIG v2r6