

Provides the means to indicate the security status of child zones, when operating as part of a distributed, hierarchical namespace.

Reference Item Details

Category: 2024

Audit Items

View all Reference Audit Items

NamePluginAudit Name
BIND-9X-001310 - A BIND 9.x server implementation must provide the means to indicate the security status of child zones.UnixDISA BIND 9.x STIG v1r9
BIND-9X-001310 - A BIND 9.x server implementation must provide the means to indicate the security status of child zones.UnixDISA BIND 9.x STIG v2r3
BIND-9X-001310 - A BIND 9.x server implementation must provide the means to indicate the security status of child zones.UnixDISA BIND 9.x STIG v2r2
BIND-9X-001311 - The BIND 9.x server validity period for the RRSIGs covering the DS RR for zones delegated children must be no less than two days and no more than one week.UnixDISA BIND 9.x STIG v1r9
BIND-9X-001311 - The BIND 9.x server validity period for the RRSIGs covering the DS RR for zones delegated children must be no less than two days and no more than one week.UnixDISA BIND 9.x STIG v2r2
BIND-9X-001311 - The BIND 9.x server validity period for the RRSIGs covering the DS RR for zones delegated children must be no less than two days and no more than one week.UnixDISA BIND 9.x STIG v2r3
WDNS-SC-000008 - The Windows 2012 DNS Server must be configured with the DS RR carrying the signature for the RR that contains the public key of the child zone.WindowsDISA Microsoft Windows 2012 Server DNS STIG v1r14
WDNS-SC-000008 - The Windows 2012 DNS Server must be configured with the DS RR carrying the signature for the RR that contains the public key of the child zone.WindowsDISA Microsoft Windows 2012 Server DNS STIG v2r5
WDNS-SC-000008 - The Windows 2012 DNS Server must be configured with the DS RR carrying the signature for the RR that contains the public key of the child zone.WindowsDISA Microsoft Windows 2012 Server DNS STIG v2r6
WDNS-SC-000008 - The Windows 2012 DNS Server must be configured with the DS RR carrying the signature for the RR that contains the public key of the child zone.WindowsDISA Microsoft Windows 2012 Server DNS STIG v2r1
WDNS-SC-000008 - The Windows 2012 DNS Server must be configured with the DS RR carrying the signature for the RR that contains the public key of the child zone.WindowsDISA Microsoft Windows 2012 Server DNS STIG v2r4
WDNS-SC-000008 - The Windows 2012 DNS Server must be configured with the DS RR carrying the signature for the RR that contains the public key of the child zone.WindowsDISA Microsoft Windows 2012 Server DNS STIG v2r7