

Initiates session audits automatically at system start-up.

Reference Item Details

Category: 2024

Audit Items

View all Reference Audit Items

NamePluginAudit Name
AIX7-00-002023 - AIX must start audit at boot.UnixDISA STIG AIX 7.x v3r1
ALMA-09-047980 - AlmaLinux OS 9 must enable auditing of processes that start prior to the audit daemon.UnixDISA CloudLinux AlmaLinux OS 9 STIG v1r1
AOSX-15-001003 - The macOS system must initiate session audits at system startupUnixDISA STIG Apple Mac OSX 10.15 v1r10
APPL-13-001003 - The macOS system must produce audit records containing information to establish when, where, what type, the source, and the outcome for all DOD-defined auditable events and actions.UnixDISA STIG Apple macOS 13 v1r5
APPL-14-001003 The macOS system must enable security auditing.UnixDISA Apple macOS 14 (Sonoma) STIG v2r3
APPL-15-001003 - The macOS system must enable security auditing.UnixDISA Apple macOS 15 (Sequoia) STIG v1r2
AS24-U1-000070 - The Apache web server must generate, at a minimum, log records for system startup and shutdown, system access, and system authentication events - log_config_moduleUnixDISA STIG Apache Server 2.4 Unix Server v3r1 Middleware
AS24-U1-000070 - The Apache web server must generate, at a minimum, log records for system startup and shutdown, system access, and system authentication events - LogFormatUnixDISA STIG Apache Server 2.4 Unix Server v3r1 Middleware
AS24-U1-000070 - The Apache web server must generate, at a minimum, log records for system startup and shutdown, system access, and system authentication events.UnixDISA STIG Apache Server 2.4 Unix Server v3r1
AS24-W1-000070 - The Apache web server must generate, at a minimum, log records for system startup and shutdown, system access, and system authentication events.WindowsDISA STIG Apache Server 2.4 Windows Server v3r1
AS24-W1-000070 - The Apache web server must generate, at a minimum, log records for system startup and shutdown, system access, and system authentication events.WindowsDISA STIG Apache Server 2.4 Windows Server v2r3
Big Sur - Enable Security AuditingUnixNIST macOS Big Sur v1.4.0 - 800-53r5 Moderate
Big Sur - Enable Security AuditingUnixNIST macOS Big Sur v1.4.0 - 800-53r4 High
Big Sur - Enable Security AuditingUnixNIST macOS Big Sur v1.4.0 - 800-53r4 Low
Big Sur - Enable Security AuditingUnixNIST macOS Big Sur v1.4.0 - CNSSI 1253
Big Sur - Enable Security AuditingUnixNIST macOS Big Sur v1.4.0 - 800-53r5 High
Big Sur - Enable Security AuditingUnixNIST macOS Big Sur v1.4.0 - All Profiles
Big Sur - Enable Security AuditingUnixNIST macOS Big Sur v1.4.0 - 800-171
Big Sur - Enable Security AuditingUnixNIST macOS Big Sur v1.4.0 - 800-53r4 Moderate
Big Sur - Enable Security AuditingUnixNIST macOS Big Sur v1.4.0 - 800-53r5 Low
Catalina - Enable Security AuditingUnixNIST macOS Catalina v1.5.0 - 800-53r4 Moderate
Catalina - Enable Security AuditingUnixNIST macOS Catalina v1.5.0 - 800-53r5 High
Catalina - Enable Security AuditingUnixNIST macOS Catalina v1.5.0 - CNSSI 1253
Catalina - Enable Security AuditingUnixNIST macOS Catalina v1.5.0 - 800-171
Catalina - Enable Security AuditingUnixNIST macOS Catalina v1.5.0 - 800-53r4 High
Catalina - Enable Security AuditingUnixNIST macOS Catalina v1.5.0 - All Profiles
Catalina - Enable Security AuditingUnixNIST macOS Catalina v1.5.0 - 800-53r4 Low
Catalina - Enable Security AuditingUnixNIST macOS Catalina v1.5.0 - 800-53r5 Low
Catalina - Enable Security AuditingUnixNIST macOS Catalina v1.5.0 - 800-53r5 Moderate
CD12-00-008600 - PostgreSQL must initiate session auditing upon startup.PostgreSQLDBDISA STIG Crunchy Data PostgreSQL DB v3r1
CNTR-K8-000610 - The Kubernetes API Server must have an audit log path set.UnixDISA STIG Kubernetes v2r2
CNTR-R2-000060 Rancher RKE2 components must be configured in accordance with the security configuration settings based on DOD security configuration or implementation guidance, including SRGs, STIGs, NSA configuration guides, CTOs, and DTMs.UnixDISA Rancher Government Solutions RKE2 STIG v2r2
DB2X-00-001000 - DB2 must initiate session auditing upon startup - AUDITIBM_DB2DBDISA STIG IBM DB2 v10.5 LUW v2r1 Database
DB2X-00-001000 - DB2 must initiate session auditing upon startup - CHECKINGIBM_DB2DBDISA STIG IBM DB2 v10.5 LUW v2r1 Database
DB2X-00-001000 - DB2 must initiate session auditing upon startup - CONTEXTIBM_DB2DBDISA STIG IBM DB2 v10.5 LUW v2r1 Database
DB2X-00-001000 - DB2 must initiate session auditing upon startup - EXECUTEIBM_DB2DBDISA STIG IBM DB2 v10.5 LUW v2r1 Database
DB2X-00-001000 - DB2 must initiate session auditing upon startup - OBJMAINTIBM_DB2DBDISA STIG IBM DB2 v10.5 LUW v2r1 Database
DB2X-00-001000 - DB2 must initiate session auditing upon startup - Review user policiesIBM_DB2DBDISA STIG IBM DB2 v10.5 LUW v2r1 Database
DB2X-00-001000 - DB2 must initiate session auditing upon startup - SECMAINTIBM_DB2DBDISA STIG IBM DB2 v10.5 LUW v2r1 Database
DB2X-00-001000 - DB2 must initiate session auditing upon startup - SYSADMINIBM_DB2DBDISA STIG IBM DB2 v10.5 LUW v2r1 Database
DB2X-00-001000 - DB2 must initiate session auditing upon startup - VALIDATEIBM_DB2DBDISA STIG IBM DB2 v10.5 LUW v2r1 Database
DKER-EE-001080 - The audit log configuration level must be set to request in the Universal Control Plane (UCP) component of Docker Enterprise.UnixDISA STIG Docker Enterprise 2.x Linux/Unix UCP v2r2
DKER-EE-001090 - The host operating systems auditing policies for the Docker Engine - Enterprise component of Docker Enterprise must be set - docker pathsUnixDISA STIG Docker Enterprise 2.x Linux/Unix v2r2
DKER-EE-001090 - The host operating systems auditing policies for the Docker Engine - Enterprise component of Docker Enterprise must be set - docker servicesUnixDISA STIG Docker Enterprise 2.x Linux/Unix v2r2
EP11-00-001400 - The EDB Postgres Advanced Server must initiate support of session auditing upon startup.PostgreSQLDBEDB PostgreSQL Advanced Server v11 DB Audit v2r4
EPAS-00-001400 - The EDB Postgres Advanced Server must initiate support of session auditing upon startup.PostgreSQLDBEnterpriseDB PostgreSQL Advanced Server DB v2r1
IIST-SI-000206 - Both the log file and Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) for each IIS 10.0 website must be enabled.WindowsDISA IIS 10.0 Site v2r10
IIST-SV-000102 - The enhanced logging for the IIS 10.0 web server must be enabled and capture all user and web server events.WindowsDISA IIS 10.0 Server v2r10
IIST-SV-000103 - Both the log file and Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) for the IIS 10.0 web server must be enabled.WindowsDISA IIS 10.0 Server v2r10
IIST-SV-000103 - Both the log file and Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) for the IIS 10.0 web server must be enabled.WindowsDISA IIS 10.0 Server v3r2