

Prevent the execution of organization-defined unacceptable mobile code.

Reference Item Details

Category: 2024

Audit Items

View all Reference Audit Items

NamePluginAudit Name
AADC-CL-000205 - Adobe Acrobat Pro DC Classic Enhanced Security for standalone mode must be enabled.WindowsDISA STIG Adobe Acrobat Pro DC Classic Track v2r1
AADC-CL-000210 - Adobe Acrobat Pro DC Classic Enhanced Security for browser mode must be enabled.WindowsDISA STIG Adobe Acrobat Pro DC Classic Track v2r1
AADC-CN-000205 - Adobe Acrobat Pro DC Continuous Enhanced Security for standalone mode must be enabled.WindowsDISA STIG Adobe Acrobat Pro DC Continuous Track v2r1
AADC-CN-000210 - Adobe Acrobat Pro DC Continuous Enhanced Security for browser mode must be enabled.WindowsDISA STIG Adobe Acrobat Pro DC Continuous Track v2r1
ADBP-XI-000205 - Adobe Acrobat Pro XI Enhanced Security for standalone mode must be enabled.WindowsDISA STIG ADOBE ACROBAT PROFESSIONAL (PRO) XI v1r2
ADBP-XI-000210 - Adobe Acrobat Pro XI Enhanced Security for browser mode must be enabled.WindowsDISA STIG ADOBE ACROBAT PROFESSIONAL (PRO) XI v1r2
ARDC-CL-000005 - Adobe Reader DC must enable Enhanced Security in a Standalone Application.WindowsDISA STIG Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Classic Track v2r1
ARDC-CL-000010 - Adobe Reader DC must enable Enhanced Security in a Browser.WindowsDISA STIG Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Classic Track v2r1
ARDC-CL-000015 - Adobe Reader DC must enable Protected Mode.WindowsDISA STIG Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Classic Track v2r1
ARDC-CL-000020 - Adobe Reader DC must enable Protected View.WindowsDISA STIG Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Classic Track v2r1
ARDC-CL-000025 - Adobe Reader DC must Block Websites.WindowsDISA STIG Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Classic Track v2r1
ARDC-CL-000030 - Adobe Reader DC must block access to Unknown Websites.WindowsDISA STIG Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Classic Track v2r1
ARDC-CL-000035 - Adobe Reader DC must prevent opening files other than PDF or FDF.WindowsDISA STIG Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Classic Track v2r1
ARDC-CL-000045 - Adobe Reader DC must block Flash Content.WindowsDISA STIG Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Classic Track v2r1
ARDC-CN-000005 - Adobe Reader DC must enable Enhanced Security in a Standalone Application.WindowsDISA STIG Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Continuous Track v2r1
ARDC-CN-000010 - Adobe Reader DC must enable Enhanced Security in a Browser.WindowsDISA STIG Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Continuous Track v2r1
ARDC-CN-000015 - Adobe Reader DC must enable Protected Mode.WindowsDISA STIG Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Continuous Track v2r1
ARDC-CN-000020 - Adobe Reader DC must enable Protected View.WindowsDISA STIG Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Continuous Track v2r1
ARDC-CN-000025 - Adobe Reader DC must Block Websites.WindowsDISA STIG Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Continuous Track v2r1
ARDC-CN-000030 - Adobe Reader DC must block access to Unknown Websites.WindowsDISA STIG Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Continuous Track v2r1
ARDC-CN-000035 - Adobe Reader DC must prevent opening files other than PDF or FDF.WindowsDISA STIG Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Continuous Track v2r1
ARDC-CN-000045 - Adobe Reader DC must block Flash Content.WindowsDISA STIG Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Continuous Track v2r1
DTBC-0017 - Background processing must be disabled.WindowsDISA STIG Google Chrome v2r9
DTBI900-IE11 - Internet Explorer Processes Restrict ActiveX Install must be enforced (Reserved).WindowsDISA STIG IE 11 v2r5
DTBI1010-IE11 - Internet Explorer Processes Restrict ActiveX Install must be enforced (Explorer).WindowsDISA STIG IE 11 v2r5
DTBI1020-IE11 - Internet Explorer Processes Restrict ActiveX Install must be enforced (iexplore).WindowsDISA STIG IE 11 v2r5
DTOO111 - Access - Enabling IE Bind to Object functionality must be present.WindowsDISA STIG Office 2010 Access v1r11
DTOO111 - Enabling IE Bind to Object functionality must be presentWindowsDISA STIG Microsoft Publisher 2016 v1r3
DTOO111 - Enabling IE Bind to Object functionality must be presentWindowsDISA STIG Microsoft Office Access 2016 v1r1
DTOO111 - Enabling IE Bind to Object functionality must be present.WindowsDISA STIG Microsoft OneDrive v2r3
DTOO111 - Enabling IE Bind to Object functionality must be present.WindowsDISA STIG Microsoft OneNote 2016 v1r2
DTOO111 - Enabling IE Bind to Object functionality must be present.WindowsDISA STIG Microsoft Project 2016 v1r1
DTOO111 - Enabling IE Bind to Object functionality must be present.WindowsDISA STIG Microsoft Access 2013 v1r7
DTOO111 - Enabling IE Bind to Object functionality must be present.WindowsDISA STIG Microsoft Visio 2016 v1r1
DTOO111 - Enabling IE Bind to Object functionality must be present.WindowsDISA STIG Microsoft Excel 2016 v2r1
DTOO111 - Enabling IE Bind to Object functionality must be present.WindowsDISA STIG Microsoft Outlook 2016 v2r3
DTOO111 - Excel - Enabling IE Bind to Object functionality must be present.WindowsDISA STIG Office 2010 Excel v1r11
DTOO111 - Internet Explorer Bind to Object functionality must be enabled.WindowsDISA STIG Microsoft Excel 2013 v1r8
DTOO111 - OneNote - Enabling IE Bind to Object functionality must be present.WindowsDISA STIG Office 2010 OneNote v1r9
DTOO111 - Outlook - Enabling IE Bind to Object functionality must be present.WindowsDISA STIG Office 2010 Outlook v1r13
DTOO111 - PowerPoint - Enabling IE Bind to Object functionality must be present.WindowsDISA STIG Office 2010 PowerPoint v1r11
DTOO111 - Project - Enabling IE Bind to Object functionality must be present.WindowsDISA STIG Office 2010 Project v1r10
DTOO111 - Publisher - Enabling IE Bind to Object functionality must be present.WindowsDISA STIG Office 2010 Publisher v1r12
DTOO111 - The Internet Explorer Bind to Object functionality must be enabled in PowerPoint.WindowsDISA STIG Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 v1r7
DTOO111 - The Internet Explorer Bind to Object functionality must be enabled in PowerPoint.WindowsDISA STIG Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 v1r1
DTOO111 - The Internet Explorer Bind to Object functionality must be enabled.WindowsDISA STIG Microsoft Visio 2013 v1r5
DTOO111 - The Internet Explorer Bind to Object functionality must be enabled.WindowsDISA STIG Microsoft Project 2013 v1r5
DTOO111 - The Internet Explorer Bind to Object functionality must be enabled.WindowsDISA STIG Microsoft Publisher 2013 v1r6
DTOO111 - The Internet Explorer Bind to Object functionality must be enabled.WindowsDISA STIG Microsoft Word 2016 v1r1
DTOO111 - The Internet Explorer Bind to Object functionality must be enabled.WindowsDISA STIG Microsoft Groove 2013 v1r3