

Provides the means to associate organization-defined types of security attributes having organization-defined security attribute values with information in storage.

Reference Item Details

Category: 2024

Audit Items

View all Reference Audit Items

NamePluginAudit Name
CD12-00-001700 - PostgreSQL must associate organization-defined types of security labels having organization-defined security label values with information in storage.UnixDISA STIG Crunchy Data PostgreSQL OS v3r1
DB2X-00-006600 - When supporting applications that require security labeling of data, DB2 must associate organization-defined types of security labels having organization-defined security label values with information in storage.IBM_DB2DBDISA STIG IBM DB2 v10.5 LUW v2r1 Database
DKER-EE-001170 - A policy set using the built-in role-based access control (RBAC) capabilities in the Universal Control Plane (UCP) component of Docker Enterprise must be configured.UnixDISA STIG Docker Enterprise 2.x Linux/Unix UCP v2r2
DKER-EE-001180 - A policy set using the built-in role-based access control (RBAC) capabilities in the Docker Trusted Registry (DTR) component of Docker Enterprise must be set - repositoryAccessUnixDISA STIG Docker Enterprise 2.x Linux/Unix DTR v2r2
DKER-EE-001180 - A policy set using the built-in role-based access control (RBAC) capabilities in the Docker Trusted Registry (DTR) component of Docker Enterprise must be set - team member accessUnixDISA STIG Docker Enterprise 2.x Linux/Unix UCP v2r2
EP11-00-006900 - The EDB Postgres Advanced Server must associate organization-defined types of security labels having organization-defined security label values with information in storage.PostgreSQLDBEDB PostgreSQL Advanced Server v11 DB Audit v2r4
EPAS-00-006900 - The EDB Postgres Advanced Server must associate organization-defined types of security labels having organization-defined security label values with information in storage.PostgreSQLDBEnterpriseDB PostgreSQL Advanced Server DB v2r1
MADB-10-006400 - MariaDB must associate organization-defined types of security labels having organization-defined security label values with information in storage.MySQLDBDISA MariaDB Enterprise 10.x v2r2 DB
MD3X-00-000540 - MongoDB must associate organization-defined types of security labels having organization-defined security label values with information in storage.MongoDBDISA STIG MongoDB Enterprise Advanced 3.x v2r3 DB
MD4X-00-001100 - MongoDB must associate organization-defined types of security labels having organization-defined security label values with information in storage and transmission.MongoDBDISA STIG MongoDB Enterprise Advanced 4.x v1r4 DB
MD7X-00-006400 MongoDB must associate organization-defined types of security labels having organization-defined security label values with information in storage.MongoDBDISA MongoDB Enterprise Advanced 7.x STIG v1r1
MYS8-00-010800 - The MySQL Database Server 8.0 must associate organization-defined types of security labels having organization-defined security label values with information in storage.MySQLDBDISA Oracle MySQL 8.0 v2r2 DB
PGS9-00-001700 - PostgreSQL must associate organization-defined types of security labels having organization-defined security label values with information in storage.UnixDISA STIG PostgreSQL 9.x on RHEL OS v2r5
PPS9-00-006900 - The EDB Postgres Advanced Server must associate organization-defined types of security labels having organization-defined security label values with information in storage.PostgreSQLDBEDB PostgreSQL Advanced Server DB Audit v2r3
SQL2-00-000300 - SQL Server must maintain and support organization-defined security labels on stored information.MS_SQLDBDISA STIG SQL Server 2012 Database Audit v1r20
SQL2-00-019300 - SQL Server must encrypt information stored in the database.MS_SQLDBDISA STIG SQL Server 2012 Database Audit v1r20
SQL4-00-031900 - When supporting applications that require security labeling of data, SQL Server must associate organization-defined types of security labels having organization-defined security label values with information in storage.MS_SQLDBDISA STIG SQL Server 2014 Database Audit v1r7
SQL6-D0-002500 - SQL Server must associate organization-defined types of security labels having organization-defined security label values with information in storage.MS_SQLDBDISA STIG SQL Server 2016 Database Audit v3r2