

Provides the means to associate organization-defined types of security attributes having organization-defined security attribute values with information in transmission.

Reference Item Details

Category: 2024

Audit Items

View all Reference Audit Items

NamePluginAudit Name
CD12-00-001100 - PostgreSQL must associate organization-defined types of security labels having organization-defined security label values with information in transmission.UnixDISA STIG Crunchy Data PostgreSQL OS v3r1
CNTR-K8-000700 - Kubernetes API Server must generate audit records that identify what type of event has occurred, identify the source of the event, contain the event results, identify any users, and identify any containers associated with the event.UnixDISA STIG Kubernetes v2r2
DKER-EE-001170 - A policy set using the built-in role-based access control (RBAC) capabilities in the Universal Control Plane (UCP) component of Docker Enterprise must be configured.UnixDISA STIG Docker Enterprise 2.x Linux/Unix UCP v2r2
DKER-EE-001180 - A policy set using the built-in role-based access control (RBAC) capabilities in the Docker Trusted Registry (DTR) component of Docker Enterprise must be set - repositoryAccessUnixDISA STIG Docker Enterprise 2.x Linux/Unix DTR v2r2
DKER-EE-001180 - A policy set using the built-in role-based access control (RBAC) capabilities in the Docker Trusted Registry (DTR) component of Docker Enterprise must be set - team member accessUnixDISA STIG Docker Enterprise 2.x Linux/Unix UCP v2r2
EP11-00-007100 - The EDB Postgres Advanced Server must associate organization-defined types of security labels having organization-defined security label values with information in transmission.PostgreSQLDBEDB PostgreSQL Advanced Server v11 DB Audit v2r4
EPAS-00-007100 - The EDB Postgres Advanced Server must associate organization-defined types of security labels having organization-defined security label values with information in transmission.PostgreSQLDBEnterpriseDB PostgreSQL Advanced Server DB v2r1
MADB-10-006600 - MariaDB must associate organization-defined types of security labels having organization-defined security label values with information in transmission.MySQLDBDISA MariaDB Enterprise 10.x v2r2 DB
MD3X-00-000540 - MongoDB must associate organization-defined types of security labels having organization-defined security label values with information in storage.MongoDBDISA STIG MongoDB Enterprise Advanced 3.x v2r3 DB
MD4X-00-001100 - MongoDB must associate organization-defined types of security labels having organization-defined security label values with information in storage and transmission.MongoDBDISA STIG MongoDB Enterprise Advanced 4.x v1r4 DB
MD7X-00-006400 MongoDB must associate organization-defined types of security labels having organization-defined security label values with information in storage.MongoDBDISA MongoDB Enterprise Advanced 7.x STIG v1r1
MYS8-00-011000 - The MySQL Database Server 8.0 must associate organization-defined types of security labels having organization-defined security label values with information in transmission.MySQLDBDISA Oracle MySQL 8.0 v2r2 DB
PGS9-00-001100 - PostgreSQL must associate organization-defined types of security labels having organization-defined security label values with information in transmission.UnixDISA STIG PostgreSQL 9.x on RHEL OS v2r5
PPS9-00-007100 - The EDB Postgres Advanced Server must associate organization-defined types of security labels having organization-defined security label values with information in transmission.PostgreSQLDBEDB PostgreSQL Advanced Server DB Audit v2r3
SQL2-00-000500 - SQL Server must maintain and support organization-defined security labels on data in transmission.MS_SQLDBDISA STIG SQL Server 2012 Database Audit v1r20
SQL4-00-032100 - When supporting applications that require security labeling of data, SQL Server must associate organization-defined types of security labels having organization-defined security label values with information in transmission.MS_SQLDBDISA STIG SQL Server 2014 Database Audit v1r7
SQL6-D0-002700 - SQL Server must associate organization-defined types of security labels having organization-defined security label values with information in transmission.MS_SQLDBDISA STIG SQL Server 2016 Database Audit v3r2