

Provide the capability to disconnect or disable remote access to the system within the organization-defined time period.

Reference Item Details

Category: 2024

Audit Items

View all Reference Audit Items

NamePluginAudit Name
AS24-U1-000680 - The Apache web server must be configured to immediately disconnect or disable remote access to the hosted applications.UnixDISA STIG Apache Server 2.4 Unix Server v3r1
AS24-U1-000680 - The Apache web server must be configured to immediately disconnect or disable remote access to the hosted applications.UnixDISA STIG Apache Server 2.4 Unix Server v3r1 Middleware
AS24-W1-000680 - The Apache web server must be configured to immediately disconnect or disable remote access to the hosted applications.WindowsDISA STIG Apache Server 2.4 Windows Server v3r1
AS24-W1-000680 - The Apache web server must be configured to immediately disconnect or disable remote access to the hosted applications.WindowsDISA STIG Apache Server 2.4 Windows Server v2r3
Big Sur - Provide Ability to Disconnect or Disable Remote AccessUnixNIST macOS Big Sur v1.4.0 - All Profiles
Catalina - Provide Ability to Disconnect or Disable Remote AccessUnixNIST macOS Catalina v1.5.0 - All Profiles
ESXI-06-200035 - The VMM must provide the capability to immediately disconnect or disable remote access to the information system by disabling SSH.VMwareDISA STIG VMware vSphere 6.x ESXi v1r5
ESXI-67-000035 - The ESXi host must be configured to disable nonessential capabilities by disabling SSH.VMwareDISA STIG VMware vSphere 6.7 ESXi v1r3
ESXI-70-000035 - The ESXi host must be configured to disable nonessential capabilities by disabling Secure Shell (SSH).VMwareDISA STIG VMware vSphere 7.0 ESXi v1r2
ESXI-80-000193 The ESXi host must be configured to disable nonessential capabilities by disabling Secure Shell (SSH).VMwareDISA VMware vSphere 8.0 ESXi STIG v2r1
IIST-SI-000237 - The IIS 10.0 website must provide the capability to immediately disconnect or disable remote access to the hosted applications.WindowsDISA IIS 10.0 Site v2r10
IIST-SV-000143 - The IIS 10.0 web server must provide the capability to immediately disconnect or disable remote access to the hosted applications.WindowsDISA IIS 10.0 Server v3r2
IIST-SV-000143 - The IIS 10.0 web server must provide the capability to immediately disconnect or disable remote access to the hosted applications.WindowsDISA IIS 10.0 Server v2r10
IISW-SI-000237 - The IIS 8.5 website must provide the capability to immediately disconnect or disable remote access to the hosted applications.WindowsDISA IIS 8.5 Site v2r9
IISW-SV-000143 - The IIS 8.5 web server must provide the capability to immediately disconnect or disable remote access to the hosted applications.WindowsDISA IIS 8.5 Server v2r7
JBOS-AS-000470 - Network access to HTTP management must be disabled on domain-enabled application servers not designated as the domain controller.UnixDISA JBoss EAP 6.3 STIG v2r5
Monterey - Provide Ability to Disconnect or Disable Remote AccessUnixNIST macOS Monterey v1.0.0 - All Profiles
OH12-1X-000034 - OHS must provide the capability to immediately disconnect or disable remote access to the hosted applications.UnixDISA STIG Oracle HTTP Server 12.1.3 v2r2
OL08-00-040150 - A firewall must be able to protect against or limit the effects of denial-of-service (DoS) attacks by ensuring OL 8 can implement rate-limiting measures on impacted network interfaces.UnixDISA Oracle Linux 8 STIG v2r2
PANW-AG-000079 - The Palo Alto Networks security, if used as a TLS gateway/decryption point or VPN concentrator, must provide the capability to immediately disconnect or disable remote access to the information system.Palo_AltoDISA STIG Palo Alto ALG v3r2
RHEL-09-251010 - RHEL 9 must have the firewalld package installed.UnixDISA Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 STIG v2r2
SLES-15-010370 - The SUSE operating system must have a firewall system installed to immediately disconnect or disable remote access to the whole operating system.UnixDISA SLES 15 STIG v2r2
TCAT-AS-001030 - LockOutRealms failureCount attribute must be set to 5 failed logins for admin users.UnixDISA STIG Apache Tomcat Application Server 9 v3r1 Middleware
TCAT-AS-001040 - LockOutRealms lockOutTime attribute must be set to 600 seconds (10 minutes) for admin users.UnixDISA STIG Apache Tomcat Application Server 9 v3r1 Middleware