

The information system protects the confidentiality and/or integrity of transmitted information.

Reference Item Details

Category: 2013

Audit Items

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NamePluginAudit Name
3.1.2 Ensure wireless interfaces are disabledUnixCIS Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 STIG v2.0.0 STIG
3.042 - Outgoing secure channel traffic is not signed when possible.WindowsDISA Windows Server 2008 DC STIG v6r47
3.042 - Outgoing secure channel traffic is not signed when possible.WindowsDISA Windows Server 2008 MS STIG v6r46
3.042 - Outgoing secure channel traffic is not signed when possible.WindowsDISA Windows 7 STIG v1r32
3.042 - Outgoing secure channel traffic is not signed when possible.WindowsDISA Windows Vista STIG v6r41
3.042 - Outgoing secure channel traffic will be signed when possible.WindowsDISA Windows Server 2008 R2 MS STIG v1r33
3.042 - Outgoing secure channel traffic will be signed when possible.WindowsDISA Windows Server 2008 R2 DC STIG v1r34
3.043 - Outgoing secure channel traffic is not encrypted when possible.WindowsDISA Windows Vista STIG v6r41
3.043 - Outgoing secure channel traffic is not encrypted when possible.WindowsDISA Windows Server 2008 MS STIG v6r46
3.043 - Outgoing secure channel traffic is not encrypted when possible.WindowsDISA Windows 7 STIG v1r32
3.043 - Outgoing secure channel traffic is not encrypted when possible.WindowsDISA Windows Server 2008 DC STIG v6r47
3.043 - Outgoing secure channel traffic will be encrypted when possible.WindowsDISA Windows Server 2008 R2 DC STIG v1r34
3.043 - Outgoing secure channel traffic will be encrypted when possible.WindowsDISA Windows Server 2008 R2 MS STIG v1r33
3.045 - The Windows SMB client is not enabled to perform SMB packet signing when possible.WindowsDISA Windows Server 2008 DC STIG v6r47
3.045 - The Windows SMB client is not enabled to perform SMB packet signing when possible.WindowsDISA Windows 7 STIG v1r32
3.045 - The Windows SMB client is not enabled to perform SMB packet signing when possible.WindowsDISA Windows Vista STIG v6r41
3.045 - The Windows SMB client is not enabled to perform SMB packet signing when possible.WindowsDISA Windows Server 2008 MS STIG v6r46
3.045 - The Windows SMB client will be enabled to perform SMB packet signing when possible.WindowsDISA Windows Server 2008 R2 DC STIG v1r34
3.045 - The Windows SMB client will be enabled to perform SMB packet signing when possible.WindowsDISA Windows Server 2008 R2 MS STIG v1r33
3.046 - The Windows SMB server is not enabled to perform SMB packet signing when possible.WindowsDISA Windows Server 2008 MS STIG v6r46
3.046 - The Windows SMB server is not enabled to perform SMB packet signing when possible.WindowsDISA Windows Vista STIG v6r41
3.046 - The Windows SMB server is not enabled to perform SMB packet signing when possible.WindowsDISA Windows Server 2008 DC STIG v6r47
3.046 - The Windows SMB server is not enabled to perform SMB packet signing when possible.WindowsDISA Windows 7 STIG v1r32
3.046 - The Windows SMB server will perform SMB packet signing when possible.WindowsDISA Windows Server 2008 R2 DC STIG v1r34
3.046 - The Windows SMB server will perform SMB packet signing when possible.WindowsDISA Windows Server 2008 R2 MS STIG v1r33
3.113 - Outgoing secure channel traffic is not encrypted or signed.WindowsDISA Windows 7 STIG v1r32
3.113 - Outgoing secure channel traffic is not encrypted or signed.WindowsDISA Windows Vista STIG v6r41
3.113 - Outgoing secure channel traffic is not encrypted or signed.WindowsDISA Windows Server 2008 DC STIG v6r47
3.113 - Outgoing secure channel traffic is not encrypted or signed.WindowsDISA Windows Server 2008 MS STIG v6r46
3.113 - Outgoing secure channel traffic will be encrypted or signed.WindowsDISA Windows Server 2008 R2 DC STIG v1r34
3.113 - Outgoing secure channel traffic will be encrypted or signed.WindowsDISA Windows Server 2008 R2 MS STIG v1r33
3.114 - The Windows Server SMB client is not enabled to always perform SMB packet signing.WindowsDISA Windows Vista STIG v6r41
3.114 - The Windows Server SMB client is not enabled to always perform SMB packet signing.WindowsDISA Windows Server 2008 DC STIG v6r47
3.114 - The Windows Server SMB client is not enabled to always perform SMB packet signing.WindowsDISA Windows Server 2008 MS STIG v6r46
3.114 - The Windows SMB client is not enabled to always perform SMB packet signing.WindowsDISA Windows 7 STIG v1r32
3.114 - The Windows SMB client will be enabled to always perform SMB packet signing.WindowsDISA Windows Server 2008 R2 DC STIG v1r34
3.114 - The Windows SMB client will be enabled to always perform SMB packet signing.WindowsDISA Windows Server 2008 R2 MS STIG v1r33
3.115 - The Windows Server SMB server is not enabled to always perform SMB packet signing.WindowsDISA Windows Server 2008 DC STIG v6r47
3.115 - The Windows Server SMB server is not enabled to always perform SMB packet signing.WindowsDISA Windows Server 2008 MS STIG v6r46
3.115 - The Windows Server SMB server is not enabled to always perform SMB packet signing.WindowsDISA Windows Vista STIG v6r41
3.115 - The Windows SMB server is not enabled to always perform SMB packet signing.WindowsDISA Windows 7 STIG v1r32
3.115 - The Windows SMB server will be enabled to always perform SMB packet signing.WindowsDISA Windows Server 2008 R2 MS STIG v1r33
3.115 - The Windows SMB server will be enabled to always perform SMB packet signing.WindowsDISA Windows Server 2008 R2 DC STIG v1r34
4.044 - The system is not configured to require a strong session key.WindowsDISA Windows Server 2008 MS STIG v6r46
4.044 - The system is not configured to require a strong session key.WindowsDISA Windows 7 STIG v1r32
4.044 - The system is not configured to require a strong session key.WindowsDISA Windows Vista STIG v6r41
4.044 - The system is not configured to require a strong session key.WindowsDISA Windows Server 2008 DC STIG v6r47
4.044 - The system will be configured to require a strong session key.WindowsDISA Windows Server 2008 R2 DC STIG v1r34
4.044 - The system will be configured to require a strong session key.WindowsDISA Windows Server 2008 R2 MS STIG v1r33
5.3.1 Ensure SSH is installedUnixCIS Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 STIG v2.0.0 STIG