

Install security-relevant software updates within an organization-defined time period of the release of the updates.

Reference Item Details

Category: 2024

Audit Items

View all Reference Audit Items

NamePluginAudit Name
AADC-CL-001075 - Unsupported versions of Adobe Acrobat Pro DC Classic must be uninstalled.WindowsDISA STIG Adobe Acrobat Pro DC Classic Track v2r1
AADC-CN-001075 - The Adobe Acrobat Pro DC Continuous latest security-related software updates must be installed.WindowsDISA STIG Adobe Acrobat Pro DC Continuous Track v2r1
ADBP-XI-001075 - The Adobe Acrobat Pro XI latest security-related software updates must be installed.WindowsDISA STIG ADOBE ACROBAT PROFESSIONAL (PRO) XI v1r2
ADBP-XI-005000 - An unsupported Adobe Acrobat Pro version must not be installed.WindowsDISA STIG ADOBE ACROBAT PROFESSIONAL (PRO) XI v1r2
APPL-15-999999 - The macOS system must be a supported release.UnixDISA Apple macOS 15 (Sequoia) STIG v1r1
ARDC-CL-000340 - Unsupported version of Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Classic must be uninstalled.WindowsDISA STIG Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Classic Track v2r1
ARDC-CN-000340 - Adobe Reader DC must have the latest Security-related Software Updates installed.WindowsDISA STIG Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Continuous Track v2r1
AS24-U1-000930 - The Apache web server must install security-relevant software updates within the configured time period directed by an authoritative source (e.g., IAVM, CTOs, DTMs, and STIGs).UnixDISA STIG Apache Server 2.4 Unix Server v3r1
AS24-U1-000930 - The Apache web server must install security-relevant software updates within the configured time period directed by an authoritative source (e.g., IAVM, CTOs, DTMs, and STIGs).UnixDISA STIG Apache Server 2.4 Unix Server v3r1 Middleware
AS24-W1-000930 - The Apache web server must install security-relevant software updates within the configured time period directed by an authoritative source (e.g., IAVM, CTOs, DTMs, and STIGs).WindowsDISA STIG Apache Server 2.4 Windows Server v3r1
AS24-W1-000930 - The Apache web server must install security-relevant software updates within the configured time period directed by an authoritative source (e.g., IAVM, CTOs, DTMs, and STIGs).WindowsDISA STIG Apache Server 2.4 Windows Server v2r3
CD12-00-000300 - Security-relevant software updates to PostgreSQL must be installed within the time period directed by an authoritative source (e.g., IAVM, CTOs, DTMs, and STIGs).PostgreSQLDBDISA STIG Crunchy Data PostgreSQL DB v3r1
CISC-ND-001470 - The Cisco switch must be running an IOS release that is currently supported by Cisco Systems.CiscoDISA STIG Cisco NX-OS Switch NDM v3r2
CISC-ND-001470 - The Cisco switch must be running an IOS release that is currently supported by Cisco Systems.CiscoDISA STIG Cisco IOS XE Switch NDM v3r2
CISC-ND-001470 - The Cisco switch must be running an IOS release that is currently supported by Cisco Systems.CiscoDISA STIG Cisco IOS Switch NDM v3r2
CNTR-R2-001620 Rancher RKE2 registry must contain the latest images with most recent updates and execute within Rancher RKE2 runtime as authorized by IAVM, CTOs, DTMs, and STIGs.UnixDISA Rancher Government Solutions RKE2 STIG v2r2
DB2X-00-009500 - Security-relevant software updates to DB2 must be installed within the time period directed by an authoritative source (e.g. IAVM, CTOs, DTMs, and STIGs).IBM_DB2DBDISA STIG IBM DB2 v10.5 LUW v2r1 Database
DKER-EE-999999 - The version of Docker Enterprise Edition running on the system must be a supported version.UnixDISA STIG Docker Enterprise 2.x Linux/Unix v2r2
DTAM171 - (U) McAfee VirusScan must have the current security patches installed.WindowsDISA McAfee VirusScan 8.8 Managed Client STIG v6r1
DTAM171 - (U) McAfee VirusScan must have the current security patches installed.WindowsDISA McAfee VirusScan 8.8 Local Client STIG v6r1
DTBC-0050 - The version of Google Chrome running on the system must be a supported version.WindowsDISA STIG Google Chrome v2r9
DTBI999-IE11 - The version of Internet Explorer running on the system must be a supported version.WindowsDISA STIG IE 11 v2r5
DTOO401 - The version of Microsoft Office running on the system must be a supported version.WindowsDISA STIG Microsoft Office System 2013 v2r2
DTOO999 - Access - The version of Microsoft Access running on the system must be a supported version.WindowsDISA STIG Office 2010 Access v1r11
DTOO999 - InfoPath - The version of InfoPath running on the system must be a supported version.WindowsDISA STIG Office 2010 InfoPath v1r12
DTOO999 - PowerPoint - The version of PowerPoint running on the system must be a supported version.WindowsDISA STIG Office 2010 PowerPoint v1r11
DTOO999 - Project - The version of Microsoft Project running on the system must be a supported version.WindowsDISA STIG Office 2010 Project v1r10
DTOO999 - Publisher - The version of Microsoft Publisher running on the system must be a supported version.WindowsDISA STIG Office 2010 Publisher v1r12
DTOO999 - Word - The version of Microsoft Word running on the system must be a supported version.WindowsDISA STIG Office 2010 Word v1r12
DTOO999-Access13 - The version of Microsoft Access running on the system must be a supported version.WindowsDISA STIG Microsoft Access 2013 v1r7
DTOO999-Excel13 - The version of Excel running on the system must be a supported version.WindowsDISA STIG Microsoft Excel 2013 v1r8
DTOO999-InfoPath13 - The version of InfoPath running on the system must be a supported version.WindowsDISA STIG Microsoft InfoPath 2013 v1r6
DTOO999-Lync13 - The version of Lync running on the system must be a supported version.WindowsDISA STIG Microsoft Lync 2013 v1r5
DTOO999-PP13 - The version of PowerPoint running on the system must be a supported version.WindowsDISA STIG Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 v1r7
DTOO999-Project13 - The version of Microsoft Project running on the system must be a supported version.WindowsDISA STIG Microsoft Project 2013 v1r5
DTOO999-Pub13 - The version of Microsoft Publisher running on the system must be a supported version.WindowsDISA STIG Microsoft Publisher 2013 v1r6
DTOO999-Visio13 - The version of Visio running on the system must be a supported version.WindowsDISA STIG Microsoft Visio 2013 v1r5
DTOO999-Word13 - The version of Microsoft Word running on the system must be a supported version.WindowsDISA STIG Microsoft Word 2013 v1r7
EDGE-00-000045 - The version of Microsoft Edge running on the system must be a supported version.WindowsDISA STIG Edge v2r2
EP11-00-009900 - Security-relevant software updates to the EDB Postgres Advanced Server must be installed within the time period directed by an authoritative source (e.g., IAVM, CTOs, DTMs, and STIGs).PostgreSQLDBEDB PostgreSQL Advanced Server v11 DB Audit v2r4
EPAS-00-009900 - Security-relevant software updates to the EDB Postgres Advanced Server must be installed within the time period directed by an authoritative source (e.g., IAVM, CTOs, DTMs, and STIGs).PostgreSQLDBEnterpriseDB PostgreSQL Advanced Server DB v2r1
EX13-CA-000160 - The version of Exchange running on the system must be a supported version.WindowsDISA Microsoft Exchange 2013 Client Access Server STIG v2r2
EX13-EG-000350 - The version of Exchange running on the system must be a supported version.WindowsDISA Microsoft Exchange 2013 Edge Transport Server STIG v1r6
EX13-MB-000340 - The version of Exchange running on the system must be a supported version.WindowsDISA Microsoft Exchange 2013 Mailbox Server STIG v2r3
EX16-ED-000700 - Exchange must have the most current, approved service pack installed.WindowsDISA Microsoft Exchange 2016 Edge Transport Server STIG v2r6
EX16-ED-000700 - Exchange must have the most current, approved service pack installed.WindowsDISA Microsoft Exchange 2016 Edge Transport Server STIG v2r5
EX16-MB-000680 - Exchange must have the most current, approved service pack installed.WindowsDISA Microsoft Exchange 2016 Mailbox Server STIG v2r6
EX19-ED-000244 - Exchange must have the most current, approved Cumulative Update (CU) installed.WindowsDISA Microsoft Exchange 2019 Edge Server STIG v2r2
EX19-MB-000244 - Exchange must have the most current, approved Cumulative Update installed.WindowsDISA Microsoft Exchange 2019 Mailbox Server STIG v2r2
FFOX-00-000001 - The installed version of Firefox must be supported.UnixDISA STIG Mozilla Firefox MacOS v6r5