

Inventory and Control of Software Assets

Reference Item Details

Category: Inventory and Control of Software Assets

Audit Items

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NamePluginAudit Name
1.1 Ensure packages are obtained from authorized repositoriesUnixCIS PostgreSQL 9.6 OS v1.0.0
1.1 Ensure packages are obtained from authorized repositoriesUnixCIS PostgreSQL 9.5 OS v1.1.0
1.1 Ensure packages are obtained from authorized repositoriesUnixCIS PostgreSQL 10 OS v1.0.0
1.1.1 Ensure NGINX is installedUnixCIS NGINX Benchmark v1.0.0 L1 Loadbalancer
1.1.1 Ensure NGINX is installedUnixCIS NGINX Benchmark v1.0.0 L1 Proxy
1.1.1 Ensure NGINX is installedUnixCIS NGINX Benchmark v1.0.0 L1 Webserver
1.2 Ensure Installation of Binary PackagesUnixCIS PostgreSQL 10 OS v1.0.0
1.2 Ensure Installation of Binary PackagesUnixCIS PostgreSQL 9.6 OS v1.0.0
1.2 Ensure Installation of Binary PackagesUnixCIS PostgreSQL 9.5 OS v1.1.0
1.10 Ensure that 'Users can add gallery apps to their Access Panel' is set to 'No'microsoft_azureCIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v1.3.1 L2
1.11 Ensure that 'Users can register applications' is set to 'No'microsoft_azureCIS Microsoft Azure Foundations v1.3.1 L2 Ensure 'Accept cookies' is set to 'From websites I visit' or `From current website only`MDMMobileIron - CIS Apple iOS 13 and iPadOS 13 v1.0.0 End User Owned L1 Ensure 'Accept cookies' is set to 'From websites I visit' or `From current website only`MDMAirWatch - CIS Apple iOS 13 and iPadOS 13 v1.0.0 End User Owned L1
3.7 Software Inventory ConsiderationsUnixCIS Apple macOS 10.14 v1.3.0 L2
3.7 Software Inventory ConsiderationsUnixCIS Apple macOS 10.14 v1.4.0 L2
3.7 Software Inventory ConsiderationsUnixCIS Apple macOS 10.15 v1.3.0 L2
3.7 Software Inventory ConsiderationsUnixCIS Apple macOS 10.15 v1.4.0 L2
3.7 Software Inventory ConsiderationsUnixCIS Apple macOS 11 v1.1.0 L2
3.7 Software Inventory ConsiderationsUnixCIS Apple macOS 11 v1.2.0 L2
5.10.6 Enable Cloud Security Command Center (Cloud SCC)GCPCIS Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) v1.1.0 L1 Master
7.1 Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) passwordUnixCIS Apple macOS 10.14 v2.0.0 L2
7.1 Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) passwordUnixCIS Apple macOS 10.15 v1.3.0 L2
7.1 Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) passwordUnixCIS Apple macOS 10.15 v2.0.0 L2
7.1 Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) passwordUnixCIS Apple macOS 11 v2.0.0 L2
7.1 Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) passwordUnixCIS Apple macOS 10.15 v1.4.0 L2
7.1 Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) passwordUnixCIS Apple macOS 11 v1.2.0 L2
7.1 Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) passwordUnixCIS Apple macOS 10.14 v1.3.0 L2
7.1 Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) passwordUnixCIS Apple macOS 10.14 v1.4.0 L2
7.1 Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) passwordUnixCIS Apple macOS 11 v1.1.0 L2
7.3 App Store Password SettingsUnixCIS Apple macOS 11 v1.2.0 L2
7.3 App Store Password SettingsUnixCIS Apple macOS 10.14 v1.4.0 L2
7.3 App Store Password SettingsUnixCIS Apple macOS 10.15 v1.4.0 L2
7.4 App Store Password SettingsUnixCIS Apple macOS 10.14 v1.3.0 L2
7.4 App Store Password SettingsUnixCIS Apple macOS 11 v1.1.0 L2
7.4 App Store Password SettingsUnixCIS Apple macOS 10.15 v1.3.0 L2
7.4 Software Inventory ConsiderationsUnixCIS Apple macOS 10.12 L2 v1.2.0
7.4 Software Inventory ConsiderationsUnixCIS Apple macOS 10.13 L2 v1.1.0
7.7 App Store Automatically download apps purchased on other Macs ConsiderationsUnixCIS Apple macOS 10.13 L2 v1.1.0
7.7 App Store Automatically download apps purchased on other Macs ConsiderationsUnixCIS Apple macOS 10.12 L2 v1.2.0
7.8 Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) passwordUnixCIS Apple macOS 10.12 L2 v1.2.0
7.8 Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) passwordUnixCIS Apple macOS 10.13 L2 v1.1.0
7.11 App Store Password SettingsUnixCIS Apple macOS 10.12 L2 v1.2.0
7.11 App Store Password SettingsUnixCIS Apple macOS 10.13 L2 v1.1.0