217300 | Linux Distros Unpatched Vulnerability : CVE-2010-3454 | Nessus | Misc. | high |
77467 | GLSA-201408-19 : OpenOffice, LibreOffice: Multiple vulnerabilities | Nessus | Gentoo Local Security Checks | critical |
75687 | openSUSE Security Update : OpenOffice_org (openSUSE-SU-2011:0336-1) | Nessus | SuSE Local Security Checks | high |
68190 | Oracle Linux 6 : openoffice.org (ELSA-2011-0183) | Nessus | Oracle Linux Local Security Checks | high |
68189 | Oracle Linux 4 : openoffice.org (ELSA-2011-0181) | Nessus | Oracle Linux Local Security Checks | high |
60947 | Scientific Linux Security Update : openoffice.org on SL6.x i386/x86_64 | Nessus | Scientific Linux Local Security Checks | high |
60946 | Scientific Linux Security Update : openoffice.org on SL5.x i386/x86_64 | Nessus | Scientific Linux Local Security Checks | high |
60945 | Scientific Linux Security Update : openoffice.org and openoffice.org2 on SL4.x i386/x86_64 | Nessus | Scientific Linux Local Security Checks | high |
53831 | CentOS 5 : openoffice.org (CESA-2011:0182) | Nessus | CentOS Local Security Checks | high |
53784 | openSUSE Security Update : OpenOffice_org (openSUSE-SU-2011:0337-1) | Nessus | SuSE Local Security Checks | high |
52738 | SuSE 10 Security Update : Libreoffice (ZYPP Patch Number 7365) | Nessus | SuSE Local Security Checks | high |
52735 | SuSE 11.1 Security Update : Libreoffice (SAT Patch Number 4082) | Nessus | SuSE Local Security Checks | high |
52004 | Fedora 13 : openoffice.org-3.2.0-12.35.fc13 (2011-0837) | Nessus | Fedora Local Security Checks | high |
51982 | Mandriva Linux Security Advisory : openoffice.org (MDVSA-2011:027) | Nessus | Mandriva Local Security Checks | high |
51887 | CentOS 4 : openoffice.org / openoffice.org2 (CESA-2011:0181) | Nessus | CentOS Local Security Checks | high |
51858 | Ubuntu 8.04 LTS / 9.10 / 10.04 LTS / 10.10 : openoffice.org vulnerabilities (USN-1056-1) | Nessus | Ubuntu Local Security Checks | high |
51827 | RHEL 6 : openoffice.org (RHSA-2011:0183) | Nessus | Red Hat Local Security Checks | high |
51826 | RHEL 5 : openoffice.org (RHSA-2011:0182) | Nessus | Red Hat Local Security Checks | high |
51825 | RHEL 4 : openoffice.org and openoffice.org2 (RHSA-2011:0181) | Nessus | Red Hat Local Security Checks | high |
5745 | OpenOffice < 3.3 Multiple Vulnerabilities | Nessus Network Monitor | Generic | high |
51773 | Oracle OpenOffice.org < 3.3 Multiple Vulnerabilities | Nessus | Windows | high |
51677 | Debian DSA-2151-1 : openoffice.org - several vulnerabilities | Nessus | Debian Local Security Checks | high |