Service Accounts Misconfigurations



Service accounts require careful management to avoid common misconfigurations, such as excessive privileges, never-renewed passwords, and obsolete accounts. Attackers frequently target these accounts due to these vulnerabilities.


Attackers often target service accounts due to the challenges in managing them and the common errors in their configuration. Writing comprehensive documentation for each service account is the first step to reducing their risk. Each remaining dangerous configuration requires an associated explanation, and you must implement corrective measures to reduce the attack surface.

See Also

Best Practices for Enforcing Password Policies

Configuring Password Policies

Service accounts

Indicator Details

Name: Service Accounts Misconfigurations


Severity: Medium

MITRE ATT&CK Information:

Attacker Known Tools

van Hauser / THC: THC-Hydra

Solar Designer: John the Ripper

Jens Steube: Hashcat

Gentil Kiwi: mimikatz