Opera < 7.0.3 Multiple Vulnerabilities

high Log Correlation Engine Plugin ID 800842




The remote host is using Opera. The version installed is vulnerable to various security flaws, ranging from cross-site scripting to buffer overflows. To exploit them, an attacker would need to set up a rogue web site, then lure a user of this host visit it using Opera. An attacker would then be able to execute arbitrary code on this host.


Install Opera 7.0.3 or higher.

See Also


Plugin Details

Severity: High

ID: 800842

Family: Web Clients

Nessus ID: 11404

Reference Information

CVE: CVE-2002-2414, CVE-2003-1387, CVE-2003-1397, CVE-2003-1420

BID: 7056, 6962, 6811, 6814, 6754, 6755, 6756, 6757, 6759, 6218