NetSphere Backdoor Detection

critical Nessus Plugin ID 10005


A remote host contains a remote access trojan or backdoor.


The NetSphere backdoor is installed on the remote host. By connecting to it, a remote attacker can gain control of the affected system.


Telnet to TCP port 30100 on the affected host, type '<KillServer>' (without the quotes), and then press '<Enter>'. This will stop the NetSphere service. Then manually determine how the machine came to be configured with a backdoor and clean it accordingly.

See Also

Plugin Details

Severity: Critical

ID: 10005

File Name: NetSphere.nasl

Version: Revision: 1.26

Type: remote

Family: Backdoors

Published: 7/8/1999

Updated: 10/21/2015

Supported Sensors: Nessus