Target Credential Issues by Authentication Protocol - No Issues Found

info Nessus Plugin ID 110095


Nessus was able to log in to the remote host using the provided credentials. No issues were reported with access, privilege, or intermittent failure.


Valid credentials were provided for an authentication protocol on the remote target and Nessus did not log any subsequent errors or failures for the authentication protocol.

When possible, Nessus tracks errors or failures related to otherwise valid credentials in order to highlight issues that may result in incomplete scan results or limited scan coverage. The types of issues that are tracked include errors that indicate that the account used for scanning did not have sufficient permissions for a particular check, intermittent protocol failures which are unexpected after the protocol has been negotiated successfully earlier in the scan, and intermittent authentication failures which are unexpected after a credential set has been accepted as valid earlier in the scan. This plugin reports when none of the above issues have been logged during the course of the scan for at least one authenticated protocol. See plugin output for details, including protocol, port, and account.

Please note the following :

- This plugin reports per protocol, so it is possible for issues to be encountered for one protocol and not another.
For example, authentication to the SSH service on the remote target may have consistently succeeded with no privilege errors encountered, while connections to the SMB service on the remote target may have failed intermittently.

- Resolving logged issues for all available authentication protocols may improve scan coverage, but the value of resolving each issue for a particular protocol may vary from target to target depending upon what data (if any) is gathered from the target via that protocol and what particular check failed. For example, consistently successful checks via SSH are more critical for Linux targets than for Windows targets, and likewise consistently successful checks via SMB are more critical for Windows targets than for Linux targets.

Plugin Details

Severity: Info

ID: 110095

File Name: authenticated_hosts.nasl

Version: 1.26

Type: summary

Family: Settings

Published: 5/24/2018

Updated: 3/25/2024

Supported Sensors: Nessus

Reference Information

IAVB: 0001-B-0520