Nortel Baystack Default Password

high Nessus Plugin ID 11327


The remote host is reachable with known default credentials.


The remote switch has a weak password. This means that anyone who has (downloaded) a user manual can telnet to it and gain administrative access.


Telnet to this switch and set passwords under 'Console/Comm Port Configuration' for both read only and read write. Then, set the parameter 'Console Switch Password' or 'Console Stack Password' to 'Required for TELNET' or 'Required for Both'.

Plugin Details

Severity: High

ID: 11327

File Name: nortel_baystack_default_pass.nasl

Version: Revision: 1.10

Type: remote

Family: Misc.

Published: 3/7/2003

Updated: 10/9/2015

Supported Sensors: Nessus

Vulnerability Information

Excluded KB Items: global_settings/supplied_logins_only