ImageFolio Default Password

high Nessus Plugin ID 11700



The remote web server is hosting a web application that uses a default administrator password.


The remote host is running the ImageFolio image gallery manager.

This CGI is installed with a default administrator username and password (Admin/ImageFolio) that has not been modifed.

An attacker could exploit this flaw to administrate this installation.

In addition to this, the CGI admin.cgi has a bug that could allow an attacker to delete arbitrary files owned by the remote web server.


Set a strong password for the administrator account.

See Also

Plugin Details

Severity: High

ID: 11700

File Name: imagefolio_default_password.nasl

Version: 1.21

Type: remote

Family: CGI abuses

Published: 6/5/2003

Updated: 1/19/2021

Supported Sensors: Nessus

Vulnerability Information

Excluded KB Items: global_settings/supplied_logins_only, Settings/disable_cgi_scanning

Reference Information

Secunia: 8964