Infinity CGI Exploit Scanner Multiple Vulnerabilities

high Nessus Plugin ID 11740



The remote service is vulnerable to multiple flaws.


The remote is running Infinity Exploit Scanner, a web-based CGI vulnerability scanner implemented in perl and stored under the name 'nph-exploitscanget.cgi'.

There is a flaw in this CGI that lets an attacker execute arbitrary commands on this host.

In addition to this, there is a flaw in this CGI that could allow an attacker to use this CGI to scan third-party hosts by bypassing the policy set by the administrator of this CGI. This CGI is also vulnerable to cross-site scripting issues.


Upgrade Infinity Exploit Scanner to the latest version.

See Also

Plugin Details

Severity: High

ID: 11740

File Name: nph-exploitscanget.nasl

Version: 1.23

Type: remote

Family: CGI abuses

Published: 6/16/2003

Updated: 1/19/2021

Supported Sensors: Nessus

Vulnerability Information

Excluded KB Items: Settings/disable_cgi_scanning

Exploit Available: true

Exploit Ease: No exploit is required

Reference Information

BID: 7910, 7911, 7913