Cisco IOS XR Software Access Control List Bypass (cisco-sa-dnx-acl-PyzDkeYF)

high Nessus Plugin ID 186227


The remote device is missing a vendor-supplied security patch


According to its self-reported version, Cisco IOS XR is affected by a vulnerability.

- A vulnerability in the access control list (ACL) processing on MPLS interfaces in the ingress direction of Cisco IOS XR Software could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to bypass a configured ACL. This vulnerability is due to incomplete support for this feature. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by attempting to send traffic through an affected device. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to bypass an ACL on the affected device. There are workarounds that address this vulnerability. This advisory is part of the September 2023 release of the Cisco IOS XR Software Security Advisory Bundled Publication.
For a complete list of the advisories and links to them, see Cisco Event Response: September 2023 Semiannual Cisco IOS XR Software Security Advisory Bundled Publication . (CVE-2023-20191)

Please see the included Cisco BIDs and Cisco Security Advisory for more information.


Upgrade to the relevant fixed version referenced in Cisco bug ID CSCwe63504

See Also

Plugin Details

Severity: High

ID: 186227

File Name: cisco-sa-dnx-acl-PyzDkeYF-iosxr.nasl

Version: 1.2

Type: combined

Family: CISCO

Published: 11/24/2023

Updated: 2/4/2025

Supported Sensors: Nessus

Risk Information


Risk Factor: Low

Score: 3.6


Risk Factor: High

Base Score: 7.8

Temporal Score: 5.8

Vector: CVSS2#AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:C/A:N

CVSS Score Source: CVE-2023-20191


Risk Factor: High

Base Score: 7.5

Temporal Score: 6.5

Vector: CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:H/A:N

Temporal Vector: CVSS:3.0/E:U/RL:O/RC:C

Vulnerability Information

CPE: cpe:/o:cisco:ios_xr

Required KB Items: Host/Cisco/IOS-XR/Version

Exploit Ease: No known exploits are available

Patch Publication Date: 9/13/2023

Vulnerability Publication Date: 9/13/2023

Reference Information

CVE: CVE-2023-20191

CISCO-SA: cisco-sa-dnx-acl-PyzDkeYF