SUSE-SA:2005:042: acroread 5

high Nessus Plugin ID 19251


The remote host is missing a vendor-supplied security patch


The remote host is missing the patch for the advisory SUSE-SA:2005:042 (acroread 5).

This update fixes a buffer overflow in Acrobat Reader versions 5, where an attacker could execute code by providing a handcrafted PDF to the viewer.

The Acrobat Reader 5 versions of SUSE Linux 9.0 up to 9.2, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 and Novell Linux Desktop 9 were upgraded to Acrobat Reader 7.

Unfortunately this version upgrade introduces new dependencies. Please use the YaST module 'Install or Remove Software' to check if there are new dependencies and install the required packages.

Since Adobe does no longer provide updated packages that work on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8, United Linux 1, and SUSE Linux Desktop 1 we are unable to provide fixed packages for these products.

The SUSE Security Team strongly advises to deinstall the acroread package on these platforms and use alternate PDF viewers like xpdf, kpdf, gpdf or gv.

Since this attack could be done via E-Mail messages or web pages, this should be considered to be remote exploitable.

This issue is tracked by the Mitre CVE ID CVE-2005-1625.


Plugin Details

Severity: High

ID: 19251

File Name: suse_SA_2005_042.nasl

Version: 1.11

Agent: unix

Published: 7/20/2005

Updated: 1/14/2021

Supported Sensors: Continuous Assessment, Nessus Agent, Nessus

Vulnerability Information

Required KB Items: Host/SuSE/rpm-list