Veritas System Recovery Arbitrary File Creation (VTS24-005)

high Nessus Plugin ID 198161


A back-up management application installed on the remote Windows host is affected by an abritrary file creation vulnerability.


The version of Veritas System Recovery installed on the remote Windows host is 23.2 or prior. It is, therefore, affected by an arbitrary file creation vulnerability. A local attacker could create a file in any arbitrary location within the filesystem. This includes protected directories, such as C:\Windows, C:\Windows\System32 and C:\Program Files. In addition, a local attacker could leverage this vulnerability to cause denial of service or to tamper with important services.

Note that Nessus has not tested for this issue but has instead relied only on the application's self-reported version


Upgrade to a version after 23.2 or apply Hotfix 860045 per vendor advisory.

See Also

Plugin Details

Severity: High

ID: 198161

File Name: veritas_system_recovery_VTS24-005.nasl

Version: 1.2

Type: local

Agent: windows

Family: Windows

Published: 5/30/2024

Updated: 5/31/2024

Configuration: Enable paranoid mode, Enable thorough checks

Supported Sensors: Nessus Agent, Nessus

Risk Information


Risk Factor: Medium

Score: 6.7


Risk Factor: High

Base Score: 7.2

Temporal Score: 5.3

Vector: CVSS2#AV:L/AC:L/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C

CVSS Score Source: CVE-2024-35204


Risk Factor: High

Base Score: 8.4

Temporal Score: 7.3

Vector: CVSS:3.0/AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H

Temporal Vector: CVSS:3.0/E:U/RL:O/RC:C

Vulnerability Information

CPE: cpe:/a:veritas:system_recovery

Required KB Items: Settings/ParanoidReport, installed_sw/Veritas System Recovery

Exploit Ease: No known exploits are available

Patch Publication Date: 4/19/2024

Vulnerability Publication Date: 5/7/2024

Reference Information

CVE: CVE-2024-35204

IAVA: 2024-A-0316