Microsoft Windows Start Menu Software Version Enumeration

info Nessus Plugin ID 200493


Enumerates Start Menu software versions.


This plugin enumerates the installed software version by interrogating information obtained from various registry entries and files on disk. This plugin provides a best guess at the software version and a confidence level for that version.

Note that the versions detected here do not necessarily indicate the actual installed version nor do they necessarily mean that the application is actually installed on the remote host. In some cases there may be artifacts left behind by uninstallers on the system.


Remove any applications that are not compliant with your organization's acceptable use and security policies.

Plugin Details

Severity: Info

ID: 200493

File Name: wmi_enum_start_menu_software_versions.nbin

Version: 1.24

Type: local

Agent: windows

Family: Windows

Published: 6/13/2024

Updated: 2/12/2025

Asset Inventory: true

Supported Sensors: Nessus Agent, Nessus

Vulnerability Information

Required KB Items: SMB/Registry/Enumerated