The remote openSUSE host is missing a security update.
This update brings Mozilla Firefox to security update version
Following security problems were fixed :
- MFSA 2007-18: Crashes with evidence of memory corruption
The usual collection of stability fixes for crashes that look suspicious but haven't been proven to be exploitable.
25 were in the browser engine, reported by Mozilla developers and community members Bernd Mielke, Boris Zbarsky, David Baron, Daniel Veditz, Jesse Ruderman, Lukas Loehrer, Martijn Wargers, Mats Palmgren, Olli Pettay, Paul Nickerson,and Vladimir Sukhoy (CVE-2007-3734)
7 were in the JavaScript engine reported by Asaf Romano, Jesse Ruderman, Igor Bukanov (CVE-2007-3735)
- MFSA 2007-19 / CVE-2007-3736: XSS using addEventListener and setTimeout
moz_bug_r_a4 reported that scripts could be injected into another site's context by exploiting a timing issue using addEventLstener or setTimeout.
- MFSA 2007-20 / CVE-2007-3089: frame spoofing
Ronen Zilberman and Michal Zalewski both reported that it was possible to exploit a timing issue to inject content into about:blank frames in a page.
- MFSA 2007-21 / CVE-2007-3737: Privilege escalation using an event handler attached to an element not in the document
Reported by moz_bug_r_a4.
- MFSA 2007-22 / CVE-2007-3285: File type confusion due to %00 in name
Ronald van den Heetkamp reported that a filename URL containing %00 (encoded null) can cause Firefox to interpret the file extension differently than the underlying Windows operating system potentially leading to unsafe actions such as running a program.
- MFSA 2007-23 / CVE-2007-3670: Remote code execution by launching Firefox from Internet Explorer
Greg MacManus of iDefense and Billy Rios of Verisign independently reported that links containing a quote (') character could be used in Internet Explorer to launch registered URL Protocol handlers with extra command-line parameters. Firefox and Thunderbird are among those which can be launched, and both support a '-chrome' option that could be used to run malware.
This problem does not affect Linux.
- MFSA 2007-24 / CVE-2007-3656: unauthorized access to wyciwyg:// documents
Michal Zalewski reported that it was possible to bypass the same-origin checks and read from cached (wyciwyg) documents
- MFSA 2007-25 / CVE-2007-3738: XPCNativeWrapper pollution
shutdown and moz_bug_r_a4 reported two separate ways to modify an XPCNativeWrapper such that subsequent access by the browser would result in executing user-supplied code.
Update the affected MozillaFirefox packages.
Plugin Details
File Name: suse_MozillaFirefox-3933.nasl
Agent: unix
Supported Sensors: Continuous Assessment, Frictionless Assessment Agent, Frictionless Assessment AWS, Frictionless Assessment Azure, Nessus Agent, Nessus
Risk Information
Vector: CVSS2#AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C
Vulnerability Information
CPE: cpe:/o:novell:opensuse:10.2, p-cpe:/a:novell:opensuse:mozillafirefox-translations, p-cpe:/a:novell:opensuse:mozillafirefox
Required KB Items: Host/local_checks_enabled, Host/SuSE/release, Host/SuSE/rpm-list, Host/cpu
Patch Publication Date: 7/24/2007