A web application is protected using default credentials.
The remote web server hosts FreePBX or PBXconfig, both of which are web-based interfaces used to control and manage Asterisk.
The remote installation of the interface has at least one account configured using default credentials. With this information, an attacker can gain administrative access to the interface and, in turn, to Asterisk.
Use the 'passwd-amp' and/or 'passwd-maint' shell scripts included with FreePBX / PBXconfig to change any reported default password(s).
Plugin Details
File Name: freepbx_amp_gui_default_creds.nasl
Configuration: Enable thorough checks
Supported Sensors: Nessus
Enable CGI Scanning: true
Vulnerability Information
CPE: cpe:/a:freepbx:freepbx
Required KB Items: www/PHP, installed_sw/FreePBX
Excluded KB Items: Settings/disable_cgi_scanning, global_settings/supplied_logins_only