SMB : Enable the C$ and ADMIN$ shares during the scan (WMI)

info Nessus Plugin ID 55437


The ADMIN$ and/or C$ shares were enabled for the duration of the scan.


To perform a full credentialed scan, Nessus needs the ability to connect to the remote administrative shares (C$ and ADMIN$). If the shares are not available on the network, this plugin will attempt to enable them for the duration of the scan.

You need to explicitly enable this option for this plugin to work:

'Enable administrative shares during the scan'

This option can be found under the following section:

Scan Configuration > Credentials > Windows > Global Settings.

Plugin Details

Severity: Info

ID: 55437

File Name: wmi_enable_shares.nbin

Version: 1.244

Type: local

Family: Settings

Published: 6/27/2011

Updated: 2/12/2025

Supported Sensors: Nessus

Vulnerability Information

CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows

Required KB Items: SMB/transport, SMB/name, SMB/login, SMB/password

Excluded KB Items: SMB/samba