Oracle Linux 4 : seamonkey (ELSA-2006-0734 / ELSA-2006-0676)

critical Nessus Plugin ID 67423


The remote Oracle Linux host is missing a security update.


Updated seamonkey packages that fix several security bugs are now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.

This update has been rated as having critical security impact by the Red Hat Security Response Team.

SeaMonkey is an open source Web browser, advanced email and newsgroup client, IRC chat client, and HTML editor.

Users of SeaMonkey are advised to upgrade to these erratum packages, which contains SeaMonkey version 1.0.6 that corrects these issues.

From Red Hat Security Advisory 2006:0734 :

Several flaws were found in the way SeaMonkey processes certain malformed Javascript code. A malicious web page could cause the execution of Javascript code in such a way that could cause SeaMonkey to crash or execute arbitrary code as the user running SeaMonkey. (CVE-2006-5463, CVE-2006-5747, CVE-2006-5748)

Several flaws were found in the way SeaMonkey renders web pages. A malicious web page could cause the browser to crash or possibly execute arbitrary code as the user running SeaMonkey. (CVE-2006-5464)

A flaw was found in the way SeaMonkey verifies RSA signatures. For RSA keys with exponent 3 it is possible for an attacker to forge a signature that would be incorrectly verified by the NSS library. SeaMonkey as shipped trusts several root Certificate Authorities that use exponent 3. An attacker could have created a carefully crafted SSL certificate which be incorrectly trusted when their site was visited by a victim. This flaw was previously thought to be fixed in SeaMonkey 1.0.5, however Ulrich Kuehn discovered the fix was incomplete (CVE-2006-5462)

From Red Hat Security Advisory 2006:0676 :

Two flaws were found in the way SeaMonkey processed certain regular expressions. A malicious web page could crash the browser or possibly execute arbitrary code as the user running SeaMonkey. (CVE-2006-4565, CVE-2006-4566)

A flaw was found in the handling of Javascript timed events. A malicious web page could crash the browser or possibly execute arbitrary code as the user running SeaMonkey. (CVE-2006-4253)

Daniel Bleichenbacher recently described an implementation error in RSA signature verification. For RSA keys with exponent 3 it is possible for an attacker to forge a signature that would be incorrectly verified by the NSS library. SeaMonkey as shipped trusts several root Certificate Authorities that use exponent 3. An attacker could have created a carefully crafted SSL certificate which be incorrectly trusted when their site was visited by a victim. (CVE-2006-4340)

SeaMonkey did not properly prevent a frame in one domain from injecting content into a sub-frame that belongs to another domain, which facilitates website spoofing and other attacks (CVE-2006-4568)

A flaw was found in SeaMonkey Messenger triggered when a HTML message contained a remote image pointing to a XBL script. An attacker could have created a carefully crafted message which would execute Javascript if certain actions were performed on the email by the recipient, even if Javascript was disabled. (CVE-2006-4570)

A number of flaws were found in SeaMonkey. A malicious web page could crash the browser or possibly execute arbitrary code as the user running SeaMonkey. (CVE-2006-4571)


Update the affected seamonkey packages.

See Also

Plugin Details

Severity: Critical

ID: 67423

File Name: oraclelinux_ELSA-2006-0734.nasl

Version: 1.8

Type: local

Agent: unix

Published: 7/12/2013

Updated: 1/14/2021

Supported Sensors: Continuous Assessment, Frictionless Assessment Agent, Nessus Agent, Nessus

Risk Information


Risk Factor: Medium

Score: 6.7


Risk Factor: Critical

Base Score: 10

Temporal Score: 7.8

Vector: CVSS2#AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C

Vulnerability Information

CPE: p-cpe:/a:oracle:linux:seamonkey-mail, p-cpe:/a:oracle:linux:seamonkey-dom-inspector, p-cpe:/a:oracle:linux:devhelp-devel, p-cpe:/a:oracle:linux:seamonkey-devel, p-cpe:/a:oracle:linux:seamonkey-nss-devel, p-cpe:/a:oracle:linux:seamonkey-nss, p-cpe:/a:oracle:linux:seamonkey-js-debugger, p-cpe:/a:oracle:linux:seamonkey-chat, p-cpe:/a:oracle:linux:seamonkey, cpe:/o:oracle:linux:4, p-cpe:/a:oracle:linux:seamonkey-nspr-devel, p-cpe:/a:oracle:linux:seamonkey-nspr, p-cpe:/a:oracle:linux:devhelp

Required KB Items: Host/local_checks_enabled, Host/OracleLinux, Host/RedHat/release, Host/RedHat/rpm-list

Exploit Available: true

Exploit Ease: Exploits are available

Patch Publication Date: 12/7/2006

Vulnerability Publication Date: 8/12/2006

Reference Information

CVE: CVE-2006-4253, CVE-2006-4340, CVE-2006-4565, CVE-2006-4566, CVE-2006-4568, CVE-2006-4570, CVE-2006-4571, CVE-2006-5462, CVE-2006-5463, CVE-2006-5464, CVE-2006-5747, CVE-2006-5748

BID: 19849

CWE: 119, 20, 264, 79

RHSA: 2006:0676, 2006:0734