NETGEAR Hard-coded Telnet Unlock Credentials

high Nessus Plugin ID 72831


The remote host has a default set of credentials for enabling root login on the telnet service.


The remote NETGEAR device has a hard-coded set of credentials that can be sent in a specially encoded packet in order to unlock the telnet service and allow remote logins as the root user.


There are no known fixes. As a workaround, restrict access to the telnet port.

Plugin Details

Severity: High

ID: 72831

File Name: telnet_enable_netgear.nasl

Version: 1.5

Type: remote

Family: Misc.

Published: 3/5/2014

Updated: 8/8/2018

Supported Sensors: Nessus

Vulnerability Information

CPE: x-cpe:/h:netgear:dgn2200, x-cpe:/h:netgear:d6300b

Excluded KB Items: global_settings/supplied_logins_only

Exploit Available: true

Exploit Ease: Exploits are available

Exploited by Nessus: true

Vulnerability Publication Date: 2/12/2014

Reference Information

BID: 65444