openSUSE Security Update : libmodplug (openSUSE-SU-2011:0943-1)

medium Nessus Plugin ID 75902


The remote openSUSE host is missing a security update.


This update of libmodplug0 fixes the following issues :

1) An integer overflow error exists within the 'CSoundFile::ReadWav()' function (src/load_wav.cpp) when processing certain WAV files. This can be exploited to cause a heap-based buffer overflow by tricking a user into opening a specially crafted WAV file. (CVE-2011-2911)

2) Boundary errors within the 'CSoundFile::ReadS3M()' function (src/load_s3m.cpp) when processing S3M files can be exploited to cause stack-based buffer overflows by tricking a user into opening a specially crafted S3M file. (CVE-2011-2912)

3) An off-by-one error within the 'CSoundFile::ReadAMS()' function (src/load_ams.cpp) can be exploited to cause a stack corruption by tricking a user into opening a specially crafted AMS file.

4) An off-by-one error within the 'CSoundFile::ReadDSM()' function (src/load_dms.cpp) can be exploited to cause a memory corruption by tricking a user into opening a specially crafted DSM file.

5) An off-by-one error within the 'CSoundFile::ReadAMS2()' function (src/load_ams.cpp) can be exploited to cause a memory corruption by tricking a user into opening a specially crafted AMS file.

Also an overflow in the ABC loader was fixed. (CVE-2011-1761)


Update the affected libmodplug packages.

See Also

Plugin Details

Severity: Medium

ID: 75902

File Name: suse_11_4_libmodplug-110816.nasl

Version: 1.5

Type: local

Agent: unix

Published: 6/13/2014

Updated: 1/14/2021

Supported Sensors: Frictionless Assessment AWS, Frictionless Assessment Azure, Frictionless Assessment Agent, Nessus Agent, Continuous Assessment, Nessus

Risk Information


Risk Factor: Medium

Score: 6.7


Risk Factor: Medium

Base Score: 6.8

Vector: CVSS2#AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:P

Vulnerability Information

CPE: cpe:/o:novell:opensuse:11.4, p-cpe:/a:novell:opensuse:libmodplug0, p-cpe:/a:novell:opensuse:libmodplug-devel, p-cpe:/a:novell:opensuse:libmodplug-debugsource, p-cpe:/a:novell:opensuse:libmodplug0-32bit, p-cpe:/a:novell:opensuse:libmodplug0-debuginfo-32bit, p-cpe:/a:novell:opensuse:libmodplug0-debuginfo

Required KB Items: Host/local_checks_enabled, Host/cpu, Host/SuSE/release, Host/SuSE/rpm-list

Patch Publication Date: 8/16/2011

Reference Information

CVE: CVE-2011-1761, CVE-2011-2911, CVE-2011-2912, CVE-2011-2913, CVE-2011-2914, CVE-2011-2915