ImageMagick < 6.8.9-9 Multiple Vulnerabilities

medium Nessus Plugin ID 78892


The remote Windows host contains an application that is affected by multiple vulnerabilities.


The remote Windows host is running a version of ImageMagick prior to version 6.8.9-9. It is, therefore, affected by the following vulnerabilities :

- An out-of-bounds read error exist in the function 'CloneImage' within file 'image.c' that can allow application crashes or information disclosure.

- An out-of-bounds read error exist in the function 'ReadPCXImage' within file 'coders/pcx.c' that can allow application crashes or information disclosure.

- An error exists in the function 'DeleteImageProfile' related to image processing that can allow denial of service attacks. (CVE-2014-8561)

- An out-of-bounds read error exists in the 'ReadDCMImage' function within file 'coders/dcm.c' that can allow application crashes or information disclosure.

- An off-by-one error exists related to '8BIM' handling that can allow an attacker to have an unspecified impact.


Upgrade to ImageMagick version 6.8.9-9 or later.

Note that you may need to manually uninstall the vulnerable version from the system.

See Also

Plugin Details

Severity: Medium

ID: 78892

File Name: imagemagick_6_8_9_9.nasl

Version: 1.13

Type: local

Agent: windows

Family: Windows

Published: 11/6/2014

Updated: 6/4/2024

Supported Sensors: Nessus Agent, Nessus

Risk Information


Risk Factor: Low

Score: 3.6


Risk Factor: Medium

Base Score: 4.3

Temporal Score: 3.2

Vector: CVSS2#AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:P

CVSS Score Source: CVE-2014-8562


Risk Factor: Medium

Base Score: 5.5

Temporal Score: 4.8

Vector: CVSS:3.0/AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H

Temporal Vector: CVSS:3.0/E:U/RL:O/RC:C

Vulnerability Information

CPE: cpe:/a:imagemagick:imagemagick

Required KB Items: installed_sw/ImageMagick

Exploit Ease: No known exploits are available

Patch Publication Date: 10/25/2014

Vulnerability Publication Date: 10/4/2014

Reference Information

CVE: CVE-2014-8354, CVE-2014-8355, CVE-2014-8561, CVE-2014-8562

BID: 70802, 70830, 70837, 70839