An Aerotech Ensemble HLe Servo Drives has been detected with model number Ensemble HLe.
An Ensemble HLe Servo Drives with model number Ensemble HLe has been detected. It is described by Aerotech as Linear digital drive and controller with Allen-Bradley EtherNet/IP interface, USB, RS-232 with an ASCII interface available, 6 Optically Isolated (2 High Speed) digital inputs, 4 Optically Isolated digital outputs, one 16-bit Differential analog input, one 16-bit Single-Ended analog ouput, output power range of 10A peak, drive and control linear or rotary brushless, DC brush servo, and micro-stepping motors, motion types including point-to-point, linear and circular interpolation, electronic gearing, and velocity profiling.
Plugin Details
Vulnerability Information
CPE: cpe:/h:aerotech:ensemble_hle