89117 | VMware ESX / ESXi Multiple Vulnerabilities (VMSA-2009-0016) (remote check) | Nessus | Misc. | 3/3/2016 | 1/6/2021 | critical |
40780 | Fedora 11 : kernel- (2009-9044) | Nessus | Fedora Local Security Checks | 8/27/2009 | 1/11/2021 | high |
43779 | CentOS 5 : kernel (CESA-2009:1243) | Nessus | CentOS Local Security Checks | 1/6/2010 | 1/4/2021 | medium |
47150 | VMSA-2010-0010 : ESX 3.5 third-party update for Service Console kernel | Nessus | VMware ESX Local Security Checks | 6/28/2010 | 1/6/2021 | high |
67925 | Oracle Linux 4 : kernel (ELSA-2009-1438) | Nessus | Oracle Linux Local Security Checks | 7/12/2013 | 8/24/2021 | high |
180611 | Oracle Linux 5 : Oracle / Enterprise / Linux / 5.4 / kernel (ELSA-2009-1243) | Nessus | Oracle Linux Local Security Checks | 9/7/2023 | 9/8/2023 | high |
67955 | Oracle Linux 3 : kernel (ELSA-2009-1550) | Nessus | Oracle Linux Local Security Checks | 7/12/2013 | 8/24/2021 | high |
44621 | openSUSE Security Update : kernel (kernel-1908) | Nessus | SuSE Local Security Checks | 2/16/2010 | 1/14/2021 | critical |
43790 | CentOS 4 : kernel (CESA-2009:1438) | Nessus | CentOS Local Security Checks | 1/6/2010 | 1/4/2021 | high |
40998 | RHEL 4 : kernel (RHSA-2009:1438) | Nessus | Red Hat Local Security Checks | 9/16/2009 | 1/14/2021 | high |
44737 | Debian DSA-1872-1 : linux-2.6 - denial of service/privilege escalation/information leak | Nessus | Debian Local Security Checks | 2/24/2010 | 1/4/2021 | high |
42812 | SuSE9 Security Update : Linux kernel (YOU Patch Number 12541) | Nessus | SuSE Local Security Checks | 11/16/2009 | 1/14/2021 | high |
42360 | RHEL 3 : kernel (RHSA-2009:1550) | Nessus | Red Hat Local Security Checks | 11/4/2009 | 1/14/2021 | high |
79507 | OracleVM 2.2 : kernel (OVMSA-2013-0039) | Nessus | OracleVM Local Security Checks | 11/26/2014 | 1/4/2021 | high |
44793 | Debian DSA-1928-1 : linux-2.6.24 - privilege escalation/denial of service/sensitive memory leak | Nessus | Debian Local Security Checks | 2/24/2010 | 1/4/2021 | high |
63898 | RHEL 5 : kernel (RHSA-2009:1466) | Nessus | Red Hat Local Security Checks | 1/24/2013 | 1/14/2021 | medium |
40835 | RHEL 5 : kernel (RHSA-2009:1243) | Nessus | Red Hat Local Security Checks | 9/2/2009 | 1/14/2021 | medium |
59140 | SuSE 10 Security Update : Linux kernel (ZYPP Patch Number 6636) | Nessus | SuSE Local Security Checks | 5/17/2012 | 1/14/2021 | high |
60688 | Scientific Linux Security Update : kernel on SL3.x i386/x86_64 | Nessus | Scientific Linux Local Security Checks | 8/1/2012 | 1/14/2021 | high |
67070 | CentOS 3 : kernel (CESA-2009:1550) | Nessus | CentOS Local Security Checks | 6/29/2013 | 1/4/2021 | high |
42209 | Ubuntu 6.06 LTS / 8.04 LTS / 8.10 / 9.04 : linux, linux-source-2.6.15 vulnerabilities (USN-852-1) | Nessus | Ubuntu Local Security Checks | 10/22/2009 | 1/19/2021 | high |
42465 | SuSE 10 Security Update : Linux kernel (ZYPP Patch Number 6632) | Nessus | SuSE Local Security Checks | 11/11/2009 | 1/14/2021 | high |
42870 | VMSA-2009-0016 : VMware vCenter and ESX update release and vMA patch release address multiple security issues in third party components. | Nessus | VMware ESX Local Security Checks | 11/23/2009 | 1/6/2021 | medium |
801475 | CentOS RHSA-2009-1243 Security Check | Log Correlation Engine | Generic | | | high |
801476 | CentOS RHSA-2009-1438 Security Check | Log Correlation Engine | Generic | | | high |