Afterbytes: The "Cyberwar Battlefield"
by Marcus J. Ranum on April 19, 2010
Article Title: Navy Fleet Cyber Command Expected to Have Predictive Capabilities Within Two Years
Date: April 6, 2010
Vice Admiral Bernard McCullough, commander of the Navy Fleet Cyber Command, estimates that the command will establish a proactive defense posture by October 2010. Speaking at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, McCullough said that the military is traditionally reactive and static, but we need to be proactive, dynamic and predictive. He noted that we have to start seeing the network as a weapons system, and the domain as the battlefield. McCullough acknowledged that transforming perceptions will take time but believes the command will have predictive capabilities within two years...
Reference: Navy cyber leader expects proactive capabilities this year
I like "proactive" - it's a good dynamic buzzword, if you're the kind of person who is impressed by action-y sounding verbs. But "predictive"?