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DOJOSEC - Compliance Presentation


The next DOJOSEC is this week. I've been invited to speak about the latest compliance trends in PCI and FDCC. Also presenting will be Shaf Ramsey of TechGaurd Security and Dale Beauchamp of the Transportation Security Administration. Mr. Ramsey will discuss the future of virtual worlds such as HIPIHI and the implications they will have for information security. Mr. Beauchamp is a digital forensics expert and will discuss practical memory analysis. 

The time and location of the event are:

January 8th - Thursday - 6:00 PM to 9:30 PM
Charles I. Ecker Business Training Center
6751 Columbia Gateway Drive
Columbia, MD 21046



DOJOSEC is a series of presentations organized by Sun Tzu Data.  Past speakers have included Johnny Long and Bruce Potter. They have many more seminars planned and I recommend signing up to their newsletter to learn more.




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