Tenable Capture the Flag 2021: The Results Are In!

More than 1,500 teams from nearly 140 countries competed in Tenable's first-ever Capture the Flag competition. And the winners are...
That’s a wrap on the first Tenable Capture the Flag event!
We’d like to say a huge thank you to everyone who participated. We were overwhelmed by the response from the community. A few stats:
This event presented a series of security-related challenges in a Jeopardy-style format. Challenges ranged in difficulty and topics included Web App, Reverse Engineering, Crypto, Stego, Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT), Forensics, Code and more.
It was a tough competition but a few teams came out on top.
And now - drumroll please...
Please congratulate the following winners for their superior performance in the 2021 Tenable CTF!
All but one challenge was solved, yet a few proved tougher than the rest. The challenges with the lowest solve rates fell into one of the following categories: Pwn, Reverse Engineering, Stego, and Web App.
To see some of the community’s write-ups, check out the CTFtime page.
We hope you all had as much fun competing as we had putting it together. Thanks for making the 2021 Tenable Capture the Flag a success!
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