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Tenable Network Security Podcast Episode 119 - "Macs Don't Get Viruses, Detecting OS X Malware"


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  1. Apple's security code of silence: A big problem - Apple's security is all over the news, how long will this go one until they bring up their level of security as Microsoft has?
  2. Massive firewall vendor lets domain expire - Oops!
  3. Hotel Wifi JavaScript Injection - Justinsomnia
  4. Arms Race In Zero Days Spells Trouble For Privacy, Public Safety - "In Soghoian's view, the government turns a blind eye to insecure computers because those same insecure systems might provide access to law enforcement or intelligence services, should they need it."
  5. » Blog Archive » windows privilege escalation via weak service permissions - We have a plugin to detect this condition! SMB Insecurely Configured Service
  6. ModSecurity Advanced Topic of the Week: Automated Virtual Patching using OWASP Zed Attack Proxy - SpiderLabs Anterior
  7. 8 Simple Tips to Secure a Mac from Malware, Viruses, & Trojans - Tips are good, mostly geared towards end users, but what can be done to truly improve the security of OS X? This article has the user disabling a bunch of stuff, but I believe that there is better hardening to be done.

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