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Tenable Network Security Podcast Episode 145 - "Source Code Leaks, Problems with Computer Security"


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Security News Stories

  1. Most U.S. Drones Openly Broadcast Secret Video Feeds | Danger Room | Wired.com
  2. Carnal0wnage & Attack Research Blog: The Biggest Problem in Computer Security
  3. Microsoft’s security team is killing it: Not one product on Kaspersky’s top 10 vulnerabilities list | The Next Web
  4. VMWare ESX Source Code Leaked On The Internet
  5. Sophos products and Tavis Ormandy | Naked Security
  6. Coca-Cola Was Hacked But Didn’t Tell Shareholders
  7. 1.7M mobile apps analyzed: Users tracked and put at risk, and it’s unjustified
  8. Security Headers on the Top 1,000,000 Websites
  9. Users take their time over Java and Flash updates

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