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Tenable Network Security Podcast - Episode 28

Welcome to the Tenable Network Security Podcast - Episode 28


Interview with Ron Gula - Vulnerability Scoring


Review the low/medium/high scoring used by Nessus

  • How does Nessus determine if a vulnerability is Low, Medium, or High?
  • Should you only focus on the "High" rated vulnerabilities?
  • How can the ratings be perfect for every company in the world? (For example, what is "High" for some may be "Low" for others)

NIST CVSS scores and how two people can look at the same vulnerability and come up with different results

  • What is the magic behind the CVSS scores?
  • How do different organizations come up with different CVSS scores if they're based on math? (Ex. OSVDB gives a vulnerability a higher score, but vendors seem to always score their own vulnerabilities much lower)

Applying CVSS scores to systems, applications, and when evaluating a network

  • How can security professionals apply the scoring and ratings systems to operational security?

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