The Advantages of Running Nessus Cloud on AWS

Note: Nessus Cloud is now a part of Vulnerability Management. To learn more about this application and its latest capabilities, visit the Vulnerability Management web page.
Nessus® Cloud provides comprehensive vulnerability management (VM) in an easy to deploy cloud-hosted solution running on Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS provides significant benefits over privately hosted cloud VM solutions. Scalability, scanners located across the globe, and regional data pinning are just a few of the most significant features of an AWS deployment. Listen to Matt McClellan, Tenable’s Product Manager for Nessus, as he discusses the advantages of Nessus Cloud for our international customer base.
Learn more about Nessus Cloud
Nessus Cloud combines the ease of a cloud-hosted solution with the power of Nessus to provide extensive capabilities in support of your vulnerability management team. Nessus Cloud is also a PCI DSS Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV) solution.
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