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Vulnerability Management has Changed Dramatically: Forrester Report

According to Forrester1, software vulnerabilities are the leading method of external intrusion in a breach. This problem will continue to grow, as the sheer number and types of IT assets increase, including cloud, IoT, mobile, and containers. Organizations must deploy security solutions that have the ability to protect the full asset landscape if they are seeking an accurate understanding of their cyber exposure.

With that in mind, last week Forrester released its Vendor Landscape: Vulnerability Management, 2017 report, by Senior Analyst Josh Zelonis. The report provides security and risk professionals an overview of the vulnerability management vendor landscape and information on trends that directly affect and enable business operations.

Tenable is recognized as the only vendor that provides 100% of the seven essential features of vulnerability management solutions, including containers

Tenable is pleased to be recognized as the only vendor that provides 100% of the seven essential features of vulnerability management solutions listed in the report, including the ability to identify vulnerabilities in container images.

The expanding asset landscape

The report notes that, “Vulnerability management has changed dramatically over the past 20-plus years.” For example, when application scanning emerged to identify critical app vulnerabilities, the threat landscape expanded to focus on application security.

This shift toward application security has continued with the rising adoption of containers. In the past, security teams have generally used vulnerability management solutions to monitor assets running in production. Now however, Zelonis writes that “Containers offer a tectonic shift to this dynamic, as developers now are responsible for specifying the runtime environments where their applications will live, at build definition, allowing security to integrate very early in the development life cycle.”

Tenable is innovating to protect emerging assets

Tenable strives to be one of the most forward-thinking companies in the vulnerability management space

The report further notes that, “Tenable has as much brand equity as a company could have with Nessus, yet it strives to be one of the most forward-thinking companies in the vulnerability management space. With its acquisition of FlawCheck in October 2016, Tenable is the first, and so far the only, traditional vulnerability management vendor to add container registry scanning capabilities.”

Now available for free trial, Tenable.io™ Container Security provides comprehensive visibility into the security posture of container images as they are developed, enabling vulnerability assessment, malware detection, policy enforcement, and remediation prior to container deployment.

With Tenable.io, organizations get access to the first vulnerability management platform built for today’s dynamic assets, including cloud, containers and web applications. Built on the leading Nessus® technology from Tenable, Tenable.io brings clarity to your security and compliance posture through a fresh asset-based approach that accurately tracks resources and vulnerabilities while accommodating dynamic assets that can otherwise cause blind spots.

For additional information, please download the full Vulnerability Management: Vendor Landscape, 2017 report.


1Forrester Data Global Business Technographics Security Survey, 2016

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