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Cyber Defender Strategies Report

What Your Vulnerability Assessment Practices Reveal

What’s your vulnerability assessment style? Are you scanning weekly, monthly or quarterly? And, what does your scanning habit reveal about the maturity of your organization’s vulnerability assessment practices, a critical part of cyber hygiene?

These are the key questions Tenable Research set out to answer in our Cyber Defender Strategies Report. We discovered four common vulnerability assessment strategies in use today. These strategies tell us how mature an organization’s vulnerability discovery process is – and help us identify ways to improve.

Download the report now to:

  • Learn what the four vulnerability assessment styles tell us about cyber risk maturity.
  • Compare your vulnerability assessment strategy to these four common scanning styles.
  • Find out what steps you can take today to improve your vulnerability assessment strategy – no matter where you are on the maturity scale.

Download the Report:
Cyber Defender Strategies Report

What we learned about enterprise cyber risk maturity

For our Cyber Defender Strategies Report, we analyzed key performance indicators (KPIs) based on real-world vulnerability assessment behavior. These KPIs correlate to four VA maturity styles: Diligent, Investigative, Surveying and Minimalist.

We discovered about half (48%) of the enterprises included in the data set are practicing very mature (Diligent or Investigative) styles in their vulnerability assessment strategies. However, just over half (52%) exhibit moderate- to low-level vulnerability assessment maturity (practicing a Surveying or Minimalist style).

Our Cyber Defender Strategies Report provides recommendations for each VA style, to help you advance to the next maturity level. We also explore how these four VA styles are distributed across major industry verticals and by organization size, so you can compare yourself with your peers.

Cyber Risk Maturity Scale