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smbshell.nbin 0.2 Now Available

July 27, 2006 · Columbia, MD

The Tenable Research Team is happy to announce the immediate availability of 'smbshell'. 'smbshell' is a pre-compiled NASL script which can be used from any Nessus 3 installation to interact with a remote windows host on top of port 139 or 445. smbshell can be used to:

  • Navigate thru the remote SMB shares and download files or obtain their version number
  • Read/Enumerate the remote SMB registry
  • Query/Start/Stop/Pause remote services
  • Query information about the remote users / groups
  • Obtain an interactive shell (cmd.exe) on the remote host

This tool requires Nessus 3 on UNIX or Windows. Note that while this tool has been written in NASL, it is not a Nessus plugin per se.  

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