Tenable Announces the Release of Nessus 3.0.6
June 26, 2007 · Columbia, MD
Tenable Network Security, Inc. is proud to announce the availability of Nessus 3.0.6 for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris and FreeBSD.
This release contains the following fixes and enhancements:
- Fixed a cross site scripting vulnerability in the Windows GUI
- Fixed a possible segfault condition occurring when multiple clients simultaneously log into the nessusd server
- Fixed a memory leak in nasl scripts containing a function on_exit()
- Improved performance when logging into nessusd
- The scan does not fail any more if the main nessusd process runs out of file descriptors (this would occur on Solaris with max_host set to a value higher than 200)
- Several fixes in the NASL interpreter
- Builds for Fedora Core 7 and Red Hat ES 5
Tenable would like to thank to Japanese CERT for having notified us about the Windows cross site scripting issue.
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